MovieChat Forums > Money Train (1995) Discussion > Another possible flaw?

Another possible flaw?

This movie is riddled with flaws. Can anyone explain this?:

At the end of the movie the money train derails at the Prospect Park Station. Yet when they emerge from the subway onto the street (seemingly right after escaping from Patterson because they were obviously elated), they are in Times Square in Manhattan. Anyone who rides the subway knows those two locations are no where near each other.


they were in the subway, maybe did they travel by train


This movie is filled with flaws. You are right about the ending.

Also, when operating a New York City subway train, you need to keep a hand on the throttle at all times, applying downward pressure. This is called a "dead-man's control," to stop the train if the motorman ever becomes incapacitated.
At the end, there are several scenes when no one is operating the train.

Also, the NYC subway has trippers that trip up a train if it passes a red light. I don't think bleeding the brakes is even possible when the train is moving.

Finally, to stop the train, all they had to do in the control center is cut the power to that track.

It was also funny watching the money train hit the train in front of it (like cars would do during a chase scene).


The whole movie is flawed.That Prospect Park Station is a movie set.And anyone who has ridden the subway would know the difference between a real subway station and a hollywood set.But then again 30 or 40 yrs back they used to film it on location


Also single car trains cannot be operated in the subway because of the gaps in the third rail. A single car train would loose power. This is the same reason the lights often blink on and off in older trains.


How about the whole wesley sniped riding his motorcycle onto the train tracks and jumping on the money train with woody harrelson. i found this so ridiculous it was funny not to mention where did he leave the bike on thetrakcs i assume so its not like it would have been hard for them to trace the bike back to him when they found it laying there


Haha..good point!


Hmm...I'm wondering, considering that the Money Train doesn't have an internal source of power, why the police didn't simply cut its power?

Would it have been too difficult to turn off the electricity?


Because NYPD are too friggin stupid to think of that in the first place. All they're good for is putting lead into unarmed black guys.

And about the flaws: it's an action movie, folks. Action movies are just fantasy camouflaged with a thin coating of realism.

For instance, how could the bus in "Speed" jump that gaping hole in the road? I bet the scriptwriter was either on speed or crack when he thought that up. Only the Dukes of Hazzard and the Blues Brothers can make cars jump that way.

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The ending is so hilarious. I couldn't believe how ridiculous it was that the train crashed in Brooklyn and they came up the stairs in Manhattan. I WISH I could do that. It would sure save a lot of time.
