Character Comparisons

Why is Henri Fontin at the same time Jean Valjean and Cosette?


In abstract, Hugo said that we all find ourselves in each of the characters in Les Miserables at some points in our lives. Just as the 1945 characters had differing perspectives on who was 'good' and 'bad' in their eyes, while we all might like to think we have the traits of Bishop Myriel or Valjean, we also have bits of the Thenardiers, Javert, and Felix Tholomyès running through us at times.

In particular, he identifies his childhood and subsequent rough upbringing with Cosette's, while also seeing himself in Valjean's strength and life-saving deed.


I really don't understand what you mean. I'm going to guess you're saying why is Henry, Fantine, and Jean Valjean, Cosette. Honestly I have no idea what you are talking about. Henry is the World War Two Jean Valjean, and Fantine is Cossette's mother. I'm totally lost here but okay.


It's not an another adaption of the story (so to speak). There's no characters called 'Cossette' and 'Fantine'.

Henry is just hearing their tale and can relate to what they go through. Their characters are not in the movie. He's relating to them, from a book. This is not another adaption.

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Henry is Jean Valjean as an adult and Cossette as a child.His mother is supossed to be Fantine
