DVD suggestion

In the Company Credits section on IMDB I found the following entry:
Marco Polo Production (2014) (France) (all media)

My suggestion would be for as many people as possible to contact Marco Polo Production (http://www.marcopolosas.com/index.php/c) and enquire about a DVD/Blu-Ray with English sub-titles. Just to indicate interest in this title.

This is such a brilliant film, I check here at least twice a year for leads on how to add it to my collection.

Any other leads as to where I can buy this film would be appreciated.


Here is the response I got from Marco Polo Productions:

You can order " LES MISERABLES " via the web site Amazon from the beginning of December.

You will find below the reference:
3760141383635 LES MISERABLES - DVD

Sounds promising.
