Not going to lie. I think that this is ripe for a reboot but not some kiddies cartoony reboot but a serious, dark, summer blockbuster kind of reboot. Of course with a little bit of humour and something for the kids obviously but a reboot nonetheless.

They're rebooting everything else why not this?


The problem is that, unlike BATMAN where the comics have always been dark, POWER RANGERS (and basically every Tokatsu show) has always been silly and campy.


Doesn't mean it wouldn't work. I don't think they should go that dark, it should ultimately still be a movie geared towards children, but just something with better effects, costumes, acting, etc.


True. Except that:
A) The show already got serious around IN SPACE, and remained that way until WILD FORCE. So it's not like the movie would be that groundbreaking (at least for those who watch every season).
B) The costumes (and weapons) can't be too good, or it'll loose the fun campy appeal. And they should always use miniatures instead of CG (it's timeless). But I agree with the acting.


I just mean higher prodcution a more modern version of the the original film. I would still want them to keep the general feel of the franchise.


Lol Unlike Batman? I take it then you've never heard of Adam West.


Someone should get on this while big budget superhero films are in - I was thinking a cross between avengers and transformers. Although the upcoming pacific rim film looks like a power rangers and godzilla mix.

They could do a new film trilogy separate to any tv series. Drawning from the original show, but with better martial arts, better powers, less plastic and rubber, and a decent story writer.

I found the best parts of the old movie was the early power ranger slime fight, the look of movie zedd, and the rest of the bad guys comical goldar bits. - espec the mid credits bit 'I am king goldar'. The rest was not so good. But this was over 15 years ago.


It doesn't have to be dark, but more like Spider-Man and Star Trek (2009). Elements of humor and high caliber action.

Jason - Alex Russell
Trini - Brenda Song
Kimberly - Shaleine Woodley
Zach - Donald Glover
Billy - Dylan O'Brien

Tommy (starts as a secondary villain) - Dave Franco

Let's get to it!


the movie needs to be exactly like Transformers. I know everyone loves to hate on Bay but if they made the movie action adventure with some jokes like transformers it would be amazing.
I Don't even like transformers but I wish they went for that kind of movie. it would serve this property well




Distant future or Alien planet.

A badly damaged Giant Robot fights a C’Thulu looking thing while the remains of a vast city burn with green flames.
The Robot impales the creature with a massive sword, and the creature explodes sending the robot free-falling to the rubble below.

A single person exits the Robot, a man in a white spandex uniform and helmet.
He struggles to his feet, takes of his damaged helmet (we can’t see his face) and surveys his ruined city.


Billy Cranston is pummeling the school bully Bulk; Billy has evidently been called a “fag” one to many times.
Trini (Billy’s best friend) manages to pull Billy off Bulk before doing any real damage.

We cut to Ernie’s where Kimberly and her clique mates are having idle girl conversation, when Kimberly mentions that some creepy guy has been following her.

We Cut to Jason who’s just finished sparring with Zack for the day, when he’s approached by an enigmatic figure who tells him to “be careful today, Jason”

Jason, Billy & Trini, and Zach, and Kimberly all find themselves walking past the baseball field on their respective ways home.

They are attacked by Puddies.

They hold their own against them- until the puddies incinerate themselves. The group is perplexed (they aren’t all friends or even close).

The enigmatic man appears, introduces himself as “Zordon the 2,000 year old wizard” and tells them that the five of them are cosmically destined to be the Power Rangers. He gives them all specific coins and they go their separate ways perplexed- but after a while they begin to train as a group and are drawn (by their coins) to a specific location in the mountains where they meet and develop a pleasant relationship with Zordon’s robotic apprentice Alpha.

Zordon always remains distant, and never ever makes physical contact with them or Alpha at any time, nor does he appear to ever leave the hideout.

The five engage the puddies and other strange creatures ever so often with their newfound powers.
They’re alter egos become local icons of mystery and reverence.

The ZED occurs.

Zed lovecraftian monster that hovers over Angel Grove. Zed influences the minds of the citizenry and makes them rally against the Power Rangers

The Rangers seek guidance from Zordon at their hide out.
Zordon is at a loss as to how he should help them, and then he comes clean.

Zordon isn’t really a 2000-year-old wizard; he was the White Ranger in the year 3025. The creature attacked and they failed to stop it, the other entire Ranger’s died and ZED conquered the world.
Zordon hid in a bunker that had a Time Warp projection device that could send images and certain objects back to a specific point in the past.
He sent Alpha back in time as a test.

Zordon created the Power Rangers to bait out ZED in their time, so when it attempted to feed on the city in the past he could send the Zords back through time to fight and kill the ZED, and undo his fate.
However he realized if he sent the Zords back- it would permanently short out the Time Projector and permanently leave him stuck out of phase in Angel Grove’s present- leaving him unable to control the Zords in Battle.

Zordon apologizes for lying, and failing them.

Jason then asks if they (the rangers) can pilot the Zords.

Zordon tells them that only his (the real) Power Rangers could pilot those things.

The group retorts, “We are the power rangers”.

Zordon then realizes he has to live up to the idea he presented and sends the Zords to Angel Grove while he phases out of his time probably forever.

The Rangers get inside their animal themed Zords and fight the Zed to know avail, then Billy suggest they combine them (Alpha says that’s never been tried before)

“That’s why it’s going to work” Says Kimberly.

They become the Mega Zord and defeat the Zed, hurling it into the sun in an awesome display of toyetic action.

Zed’s hold on the people of Angel Grove is lifted, and they cheer the Rangers for saving them.

The Rangers all meet up with Alpha at their hideout, and it’s revealed that Zordon has phased into the reflections on the hideout’s rock walls. Zordon thanks them for correcting his mistake, and allowing the power of friendship and self-confidence to triumph over the ultimate evil.


All of Angel Grove high is obsessed with the mysterious Power Rangers, Bulk and Skull in particular have become almost religious fanatics in their devotion to them.
Billy and Trini get a kick out of that.

The 5 have all more or less returned to their normal lives as no more weird *beep* happens in Angel Grove.

Then in the middle of the night a comet hits a parking lot, the comet cracks open and an ethereal voice screeches “AFTER TEN THOUSAND YEARS WE ARE FREE, TIME TO CONQUER EARTH”.

Zordon wakes up and calls out to Alpha, “We’re going to need those 5 teenagers with attitude…”

Orchestral rendition of the Power Rangers theme begins to play as

Jason, Billy, Zach, Trini, and Kimberly all morph into the Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink Rangers.

Go, Go, Power Rangers **End.


I disagree that it needs to be dark and serious. It seems like every summer blockbuster nowadays needs to be all serious and it just makes the movie look silly and pretentious(e.g. Man of Steel, The Amazing Spider-man, etc). The movie CAN have dark moments but the overall tone should be light-hearted and tongue-in-cheek.

Power Rangers should be campy fun but I do have some ideas for the reboot. First off, give the characters more personality and relateable traits. One of the reasons I've never been too big a fan of the Mighty Morphin seasons is the fact that the characters are pretty boring and interchangeable. Make each character feel like a real person with plenty of charisma for them to stay interesting.

Second, the movie needs to have an epic but easy to follow story. THIS film had the right idea but it was poorly executed. Make it a classic good vs evil tale with the plot revolving around the teenagers discovering their powers, learning the value of teamwork and becoming stronger people by the end. No overly complicated mythologies, expository characters and unnecessary drama scenes. Make the villains a believable threat and have the heroes use something they learnt to ultimately defeat them.

Finally, have a nice amount of action throughout the movie that progress the story rather than just be unnecessary time fillers. The action should be fast paced and over-the-top but also have stakes and not just be excuses to go crazy with the CGI. The Zord fight should be left to the end unless there's a key story element that excuses there early appearance.

Oh and use the official Mighty Morphin theme. They can remix it with guitars or even a full orchestra but don't replace it with something else just because kids nowadays prefer dubstep or something.

WINGED FREAK...Terrorizes?....Wait till they get a load of me...


I think it should be serious, to the simple point that it is NOT campy.
I am sick of this show being CAMPY. I also am bored with everything being SUPER DARK. I want a good movie. The original SENTAI source matreial was serious enough, and had the camp on the weak side. WE were the ones that made a reletivly serious show campy...I want THAT seriousness back

The weed of crime, bares BITTER fruit.
The Shadow knows


I'm not saying I want it to be Batman & Robin levels of campy, I just want the overall tone to be light-hearted and fun. Of course the plot can have serious moments and the villains should be intimidating, but I don't see what's so wrong about some corny one-liners and over-the-top action scenes.

I don't care if how seriously the original Sentai show took itself, this is still the POWER RaNGERS. If the film is played completely straight and serious, it's just going to look silly.

WINGED FREAK...Terrorizes?....Wait till they get a load of me...



Please tell me you're joking.

WINGED FREAK...Terrorizes?....Wait till they get a load of me...
