MovieChat Forums > Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) Discussion > Just watched this again andit was supris...

Just watched this again andit was suprisingly entertaining

Yes the movie is dated beyond belief with horrible acting but it was still good mostly because of the nostalgia. Kimberly was my idol as a young girl.

I Want to Write like Anne Tyler, Rock Like Steven Tyler, but Live Like Tyler Durden.


Just watched it myself and it was absolute garbage but I know I did love it back when I saw it in theatres when I was 5.


Cheesy, dated, full of atrocious acting, and it's poorly made overall...

... now a lot people may feel that way about the movie, but you know what, I think it rules. Matter of fact, I actually enjoy it now more than I did when I was a kid (same goes for the series).

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I loved it as a kid, but I watched it last night and it's unbelievably bad. The plot sucks, and the dialogue is some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard. So what if it's a kid's movie? Many kids films have great dialogue.


tv series was the same as well, and they got worse with each new set of Rangers
