Factual error

AFAIK, the "company store" concept where all of Anguses overtime was spent by his wife for new show for the kids *could* not exist.

The entire mining operation (*all* underground mines in cape breton)were purchased by a Crown (government owned) company in 1947 called Devco and any such form of "truck" payment to company stores was immediately stopped.


I'm glad that happened, but I don't see it as a poor reflection on this film at all. ...Hope you don't either.

This is, obviously, not a documentary and the points made in the story apply to miners everywhere. In fact, it goes way beyond mining. It is human tears shed in all history over precious humanity lost to twisted petty mispriorities.

Very important story, very very sad. It really hits home in this film. Do you think so?

Is it too e.arly for flapjacks?


Does anyone know exactly what year this movie is supposed to take place in? As far as I'm aware, it's not mentioned or made clear at any time. The only thing that's certain is that it's prior to 1952, because of Angus' mention of the King. Unless someone that's familiar with cars can date it more precisely from that alone, isn't it possible it takes place before 1947?

~A chat with you and somehow death loses its sting.~


I just watched this (saw it before about 10 yrs ago)
on Sundance and their description says 1940's and the vehicles are from that decade for sure , on the note of errors , tho , I did spot one other when Margaret returns home after her 'treatment' she hides an army duffle bag in the bushes ... It is a 'newer' style Canadian issue bag circa 1970's and still in use today !!

