MovieChat Forums > The Magic 7 Discussion > Help bring 'Oh Madeline' on to DVD!!!

Help bring 'Oh Madeline' on to DVD!!!

"Oh Madeline" was an excellent tv show that was aired in 1983 in the US, and has

a cult following, of what I know - i loved it! Madeline Kahn played the lead in

this sitcom, and I believe that everything Madeline ever did, should be

available for everyone to own/view. Anyways, this is what you do to get the

entire shows brought out on DVD:

1) Go to and register with an email address.
2) Log in to the site, with the password the site sends to your email address.
3) Then click to: or type
in "Oh Madeline" in the 'TV Show Voting' sub menu, found on the left screen.
4) Then tick under the box that says 'Season', which means that you want all
the shows to be put on DVD - which is what we ALL want!
5) Then click the 'Update User Selections' button, to place the vote.

And that's it!

If lots of people do this, and also post a copy of this message on every site

that has anything related to Madeline Kahn, even the slightest, then the vast

number of votes that are generated will allow for the eventual release of the

show on DVD.

PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS, is the gateway to allow this excellent

show to be released, officially.

Oh Yes!
