Who saw this in theaters?

I did when i was in junior high 3 times.

F *** the law, i want meat-Nightbreed


Saw it with my dad opening night at the Empire 3 in San Francisco. We theater-hopped and saw something b4 this, but I can't remember what. I remember being terrified of the cult more than anything else in the film.


Ah, it was a double-feature with Deserado then L.O.I. Fun night with the ole' man.


saw the double feature then too,
gotta watch LOI again though,
I don't think I liked it at the show.


I actually went to see this at th BFI in London when I lived there and it was actually the World Premiere showing. Barker had just locked the film and decided to show it to a small audience there. It was a true surprise but a great evening and I never forgot that night. The portrayal of Damour was wonderful as was Nix. I love the music too.


I saw it at the theater too. I remember 2 guys showing up during the opening credits and lighting up a joint. Didn't take long for them to get kicked out, lol!


Saw at theater too, got the premise but I wanted to walk out from boredom, was hoping Clive would have made a sequel to nightbreed instead

