Noone posts here???

I just don't understand. I can so relate to this flick. Granted, it's not Academy Award material, and it's cheaply made, but I think the story is a very good one and many gay men can relate to included. I wonder whatever happened to Wally White?

You look like the Miami Sound Machine just exploded all over you.




This is one of the worst gay films I have ever seen. I hope Wally White got a respectable job, because as a filmmaker he's a great waiter.


I agree. I call this film "How I spent my parents money and wasted an entire summer making crap."
The only thing worse than a bad movie, is someone who states their Opinion as Fact.


So very true. It's been almost 15 years since I've seen this, and I don't intend to see it again, but all I remember is the annoying talking to the camera and the opening shots where the bed starts spinning because ... well, just because it looks good. Or maybe it's a metaphor for his summer, but that would be too obvious.


I thought it was more than adequately entertaining. In the film, Wally White says, about the film, "this isn't Longtime Companion." What is interesting is that, in the film, he manages to parody just about all of the criticisms about the film. I saw it when it first came out. At the time, it was refreshing to see a gay-themed film that wasn't so damned PC and sincere.


Hey, did you know that Wally White died? Any word on why or what happened?

No, no..."cruelty." I always think that has a nobler ring to it.


My God, judging the posts regarding this film - it may have been suicide!

I don't think the film was bad at all. If nothing, it ridiculed the stereotypes that exist in the community.


I keep watch this film thinking that a story might be there but it was just plain bad news. How it ever got made is beyond me. A waste of time!
I cannot express how pointless and bad I think this film was.
I wish I could get back the time I wasted watching it.
