The plot

The art design and animation in this movie is outstanding. I also liked the dystopian/sci-fi themes and the idea of cyborgs with a kind of a "soul" that someone hacks into. That was very interesting. I enjoyed the overall dark atmosphere, the visuals of the city were amazing.
But the story....I don't know. Is it just me? I just couldn't get into this whole political conspiracy stuff. It's not that I couldn't follow the plot (allthough it wasn't easy to follow, to be honest, but that might be due to my lack of interest), I just honestly think that this kind of basic thriller plot somewhat ruined the atmosphere. Also, the characters were very flat. You may now argue that they were cyborgs, but in some dialogue it was hinted that they developed personality, so the script could have focused on that aspect more.

Now, I'm not trying to bash the movie - I still loved it for the visual, atmospheric and "technological dystopian" aspects. I'm rather interested in new perspectives that could help me enjoy the movie even more. What's your opinion about the plot and characters? Maybe I just need another point of view to get into the story.


Good post!

The movie doesn't have to be for everyone. Did you enjoy the philophy behind it? I think The Major's dilemma was really more important than the politics or the thriller aspect.

Another thing I think is important, that people don't usually talk about is Batou's unrequited love for her, and her not being able to appreciate it. That is really my favorite part of the movie, that interaction and his development. You can tell he has just been holding this torch for this woman who isn't really real, not even to herself.

You really only get a glimpse of who these people are, but in an hour and a half you know them very well.
