MovieChat Forums > Kids (1995) Discussion > This movie is a strong argument for abor...

This movie is a strong argument for abortion.

If your pregnant and see this movie you'll be scheduling an appointment at Planned Parenthood.


I already responded to another similiar posting.

This is not a accurate example of how most kids are. It satarize and dramatize the stereotype of out of control kids. Not that it doesnt happen in real life but lets be honest about it. When you were growing up and even now, how many kids you know act this way?

Most kids are good and the bad one are usually good at hiding it. When a child fails, its usually not their fault but the parents fault. They only know what was shown to them and what they have learned from observation. All kids are born empathic, as a baby, when one cried, they all cried when put together. We only learn to become less and less sensitive to the feeling of other people through learn behavior.

If you are going to get an abortion, I hope it is for a better reason then because you watch a movie. If you going to get entangle with a vampire, I hope it wasnt because Edward Cullen didnt drain Bella completely dry and smacked his lips in satisfaction!



That's not totally true.

I have known people who were great parents and their kids were total screw ups. They did virtually everything right; taught them values and morals, work ethic, made sure they did their homework, etc, etc, etc and the kid still worked their way into a group of peers that were generally always up to nothing good and they got caught up in it.

There comes a point when everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions, and how their life has ended up. You cannot always blame things on the shortcomings of others. If a sense of right and wrong has been instilled in a person and they choose to ignore that, it's not the parents' fault.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


It isn't just parents. Kids are influenced by

the schools they attend
the culture at large
and (most importantly) the other kids they hang out with

All these non-parental influences are so strong, that parents are sometimes little more than providers of room & board.


Sad but true. This is why people don't want to get married, buy a house, HAVE kids, because U can invest all U got into your child and some s c u m b a g can unsup all U have done and steal your child in a sense and people sense this, hence delaying moving out of parents house until the 30's, playing , call of duty and texting and hooking up. It's a sad place we live in!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


I agree on top of that even if you are lucky enough to have a good child why bring them into a world at war loaded with crime diseases i could go on and on read david benatar's book better never to have been anyone with any type of intelligence would agree not to mention OVERPOPULATION will destroy this planet before anything else! Have a nice day :)
