
I could be way off about this but here goes...
Not nearly as much has changed in 20 years as people like to think.
The look and feel of this movie in terms of things like clothes and dialogue including the slang look like it could be today. In terms of how young people act, I can't say one way or another, I think it depends on the upbringing of the specific youth. I'm 30 but still relatively young and none of my friends act like this. But I would think many young people (even in high school and certainly in college) do act like this and people who think it's more just reflecting 1995 are, hate to say it, quite naive. I was 20 in 2005 and saw this movie, and even though I wasn't one of them so many people in my community college did do the same things we see in the movie that I knew from their talking about it with each other. Flashback a few years prior when I was in high school even as a freshman many students including some of my friends though not to the extreme of the movie or the college students later on. Their parents were usually oblivious. This was all in a very upper class environment in Southern California, so it wasn't/isn't restricted to ghettos. Flashback much earlier to 1995 when this movie came out and I was just a wee 3rd grader, but I did notice a big cultural shift that year. Even though these actions were present since long before to some degree, things got much more -- well, with an anything goes mentality that I feel is still here to varying degrees just like then. In 1995 the just-gone early-'90s were heavily still like the '80s (think Saved By the Bell), then 1992 gave the grunge look that exploded in 1993 but the '80s stuff definitely hung around a couple years co-existing. Then 1995 came and gave fashions very similar to today's still, like we see here and in Clueless also from 1995, kind of reflecting people's general attitudes. So this movie wouldn't have been a product of, say, 1992 ior '93. I have a hard time believing that just because of Facebook teenagers don't do things and try to get away with them. This movie is disturbing but that's the point, it was a wake up call that I'm sorry to say still rings true.


I am going to respectively disagree with your assessment of today versus 1995.

I grew up in NYC, born and raised and still reside in NYC. The world and kids behavior has changed a lot since this film came out. I was in college when this film came out and although my friends and I did not do drugs, this film nailed much of what our high school years were like.

Today kids do not hangout the way they did in this film. They spend much more time indoors and text, email, IM, etc. when they want to meet up. In the 90s you and your friends had a few places where you could always count on one of and usually many of your friends hanging out.

Fights were somewhat common. We spent a lot of time egging and vandalizing. While we never beat someone up like they did in the film, fights did happen. You had your friend's back and were expected to be there for him if there was a fight. Today if a fight like that broke out everyone would have their cell phone out snapping pictures and videotaping it, the kids would be on the evening news and the cops would be out looking for them.

Parties happened all the time when kids parents were out of town. Word would get out and people would show up, you would tell your parents you were crashing a friends house. While high school kids these days still drink, it is usually small groups and the days of big parties are over. My youngest brother who is 11 years younger than me never went to big high school parties, they were always small group get togethers.

Also, while they stole the 40s in the film, in was much easier to get alcohol in the in 90s. There were no cameras and smart phones, stores sold alcohol to minors all the time an viewed it as easy money. Today those stores would be shut down and shut down fast for selling alcohol to minors without checking IDs.


Big parties like the house party in this film still happen. I've been to quite a few and I went to many when I was a teenager, earlier in the 2000s.


Good to hear! Happy there is some hope for your generation. Hopefully photos posted online were kept to a minimum.


Big parties are def still a thing. The teens of today aren't all just on their phones like adults like to believe, multitasking is easy. And this movie wasn't about all teens. This was about of a group of skate rats, not all teens in '95 acted like they do in this film either.
