MovieChat Forums > Kids (1995) Discussion > Will dislike of Chloe Sevigny ruin this ...

Will dislike of Chloe Sevigny ruin this for me?

I haven't watched Kids yet, but I want to. I can't STAND Chloe Sevigny - will I be able to get past that and enjoy the film?

A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
... Strictly Ballroom


You'll probably like it then...

Why don't you like her?


She strikes me as a smug, over-hyped dilettante. She just annoys me.

A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
... Strictly Ballroom


I agree. It's still worth a watch.

12YAS-9 WOWS-8 Am. Hustle-6 The Butler-6 Captain Philip-5.5 20 Ft. From Stardom-8 Gravity-6


Would love to know what he thought of it if he finally watched it...


Yeah, really. Hey, OP, are you still there? What'd you think if you saw this?


No...she's not. I did a photoshoot with her a few years ago. We brought the jewelry to be used for the shoot and they needed us to stick around. It was an outside shoot and it was very hot that day. We (my driver and I) had no provisions, and someone from the crew was tasked to get water and food. When the supplies arrived, we were not offered any food or drink. We were sitting in our vehicle when Chloe walked up to us with a handful of bottled water and sandwiches. Before that moment, I did not know who was involved in the photoshoot, but was shocked to see her approaching. She introduced herself and said she figured we could use some refreshments. We talked about the shoot and the weather before she was called back by the crew. A very nice gesture from a very down to earth young lady!


This is a wonderful story!! Thanks for sharing it.


I've heard she is actually a sweetheart, but whatever. And if you dislike her that much, then I imagine the things that happen to her throughout the movie will please you.


she's not in it that much, & has very little lines.

he left u NAKED in a DITCH!


She's the only character you actually care about in this movie, so bear that in mind. Even still, she's a fringe player. It's completely manageable even if you hate her.

Or else Pizza is gonna send out for you.


After seeing Kids, I think your opinion may change. She is such a fragile, vulnerable soul in this film that you just want to reach into the screen and save her from these reckless goons. It's all a testament to her deeply effecting performance.


I don't like her either but she's not in it too much.


Even if you don't like her you can't help but feel sorry for her character by her final scene...
