MovieChat Forums > Kids (1995) Discussion > The sad thing is Jennie's lifespan would...

The sad thing is Jennie's lifespan wouldn't be much longer now...

20 years on and not much has changed as far as HIV treatment goes. We here about a "cure" in the headlines almost monthly, but you also hear about how the pharmaceutical companies make so much from the treatment that a cure would destroy their cash cows.


Playing devils advocate she could have had a false positive. And what would that mean for Casper ? Telly ?


Are you kidding??? It has come a long way since 1996.

Do some research before you make statements to incite ignorance.
From aidsmap:
"What did this do to life expectancy? In 1996-97 the life expectancy at age 20 of an HIV-positive person was 19 years, in other words they could only expect to live, on average, in the absence of any improvement in treatment, till they were 39. By 2011, this had improved to 53 years, i.e. death on average at 73"

I would say that is a huge improvement in the last 20 years.


Do we have any idea how long Telly was HIV + and if he isn't symptomatic doesn't it stand to reason he'd get "sick" before Jenny? And how much time passed between her encounter with Telly and Jenny"s HIV test? Would it take same amount of time for virus to infect Casper after his "encounter" with Jenny?


There's no direct connection between exposure to HIV and development of AIDS or other advanced symptoms, there are simply too many factors involved to provide anything other than vague estimates.

For example, left completely untreated HIV usually takes 10-15 years to develop into AIDS, but some people progress that far in only a few years, and some never reach that point. Even if it were predictable, a difference of a few months for exposure would be insignificant to a decades long progression.

Basically, HIV attacks the immune system, making you more susceptible to other infections and diseases. AIDS refers to the late-stage condition when your immune system is no longer functional. Before that, though, it's just a matter of your immune system become weaker over time, but people have different immune systems, different risks, are exposed to different things, etc.
