I love this movie~!

I first saw it in college, because Noah Baumbach the writer director went to my college, and it slayed me. My roommate and I watched it 4 times in one weekend, and ended up quoting the lines from some of the scenes (the bar, the 'bookclub', the 'Prague' stuff) over and over.

I also found other people on campus who felt the same way, and yet when I moved to the city it was as though some people had never heard of it, which I can't understand.

Just wanted to say how much I love this movie, I guess. I'm lame I know it!


I didn't go to school with Noah Baumbach, but the characters in the movie were so much like the people I was friends with in college, it's almost scary. When I watch this movie, it's like entering a personal time machine.


This is one of those movies that gets it right. And is very funny too. The cast is great and Chris Eigeman is just so funny in this movie like he always is.


I know this is an old post, but I feel compelled to reply.
I too love this movie. It came out my senior year of college, and I related to it so well. Every time I see it, I feel like I just graduated. I have those same choked up, "what am I going to do without school?", emotions all over again.

Great movie!
