MovieChat Forums > Jumanji (1995) Discussion > Does anyone actually own the board game?

Does anyone actually own the board game?

I saw this in the theaters when I was a little kid and I begged my mom to buy the board game but she said, "No, I am not having my house turned into a jungle". xDD

Stan Lee never left. I’m afraid his mind is no longer in mint condition


My mom actually bought my sister and I the board game when we were about 5 and 6. It was a great time, but the movie was one of those kinds of movies I didn't enjoy it as much until I got older.

Please Turn Me Over ~ Mr. Blue Sky


My cousin had this game. I remember she was scared that she might get sucked in.


I have the board game! It's pretty cool.

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.



Yeah I had the game lol. Actually probably do still in the basement buried somewhere. =D

Pray your life was just a dream, a cut that never heals.


We had it until the old age, or the "jungle", claimed it. But it was such an awesome game, and one of the best games based on a movie.

Treachery is the way of the Sith...


I didn't know there was a board game out for it. That's really cool. If the games in your basement, do you hear the drums? XD

"Pure Pazaak" -- Atton Rand, KotOR II.


It's a great board game. You have to reach the centre (like in the movie) and shout JUMANJI. Along the way, you are dealt cards that represent the beasts and disasters seen in the movie. The cards are encoded, and you need the super-special red eye in the centre of the board. Once you get a challenge card, you must role the needed weapon or tool (knife, rope, raft, etc) before the hourglass runs out.

You can block other players with a rhino (the best part of the game), and you can get stuck in the jungle until you role a 5 or 8.

It was reaaaaly good fun.

Treachery is the way of the Sith...


Awwww :( I want it!

"Some drunk writer once said that there are no great second acts in life".


Sadly, my copy was lost in a yard sale... I would imagine I could get another online, somewhere...

Treachery is the way of the Sith...


Haha, I'd be too scared to play it. xD Even if it is just a game from a movie. I'd probably try to break it.
Wouldn't it be creepy if you started hearing the drums? xD



I know I'm supposed to be an adult now, that I can legally drink and vote and serve in the army and drive and all manner of such grown up things but right now my overriding thought is: THAT IS SO COOL! I WANT IT!

Off to ebay I go...


i thought they made a real board game? i want one!


I still have the board game! Got it in the summer of 95 (the same year the film was released).

"You're a woman, Harry"


My Grandmother has the board game. I don't know when exactly but I played that ever since I was young. I was desperate. Last year, my grandmother, sister and I watched the movie first and then played the game afterwards.


It was a tie-in game; I think I still have it, packed away in my basement. I recall being disappointed that it was made of cheap plastic, and not wood like the movie's version.

Ahhh, well; 'twas fun to play.
