
The movie wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.

What did catch me though was the soundtrack. I've looked around and can't find it. Has one not been released? If so is there a way I can get ahold of any of the songs?

I love the music on that movie and have been trying to get my grubby little hands on it. Any help would be appreciated!

"For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism."

Utterly Shameless Spam


Most of it was adapted from some of Igor Stravinsky's works.


But I have to say that James Horner, who I don't necessarily care for, did wonderfully with his twenty-eight minutes or so of original score. Dark, brooding, mysterious, this is one of the greatest scores ever to go along with a great mystery thriller.


I agree. Great soundtrack, so good it actually makes a fairly routine thriller seem charged with dark mystery. Anybody have soundtrack clips? I know that some of the music (if not most of) is adapted from the 'Rites of Spring' by Igor Stravinsky (this music was also used in Fantasia <1940> the dinosaur sequence), but it seems to have an Eastern flavor. Too bad this is not readily available on CD. Hear also: The Basic Instinct score.


On her album 'The Mask and Mirror' by Loreena McKinnit, there is a song called 'The Mystic's Dream'. It is in the closing credits of Jade, however, on listening to the album version, it contains quite a few elements of the Jade score. For anyone wanting a quick fix, this is the place to go...


I have the soundtrack. Not necessarily in good dolby 5.1 condition, but it still quenches my thirst when I'm in one of those brooding moods.

to drench your skin in lover's rosy stain...


How did you get a copy of the soundtrack? Did you make it yourself? Download it? Purchase?


aah, I don't remember. Hysterical blindness, I hear it's going around.

to drench your skin in lover's rosy stain...
