What kind of a mother is that?

What's up with the mom? How come she doesn't say anything when she notices all the weird things that her son is doing.

She doesn't say anything or attempt to discipline him when he states "I feel pretty damn good." I certainly would have been slapped if I had used that kind of language at that age.

Then, later in the movie when he takes the two of them to school in his waist pouch and is walking weird and slow, (a) she doesn't ask what he's doing or why, and (b) she doesn't yell at him or demand that he hurries even after the school bell rings.

I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head, but I do remember noticing more situations like that throughout the movie where any normal parent would have asked questions.


Getting slapped over the word Damn is really pathetic, and I would call THAT bad parenting.
My reasoning for Omri's mom letting him do his odd things is this, she already has 2 teenage boys and she's learned that you need to let children do their own thing, even if it seems odd. I see nothing wrong in letting a child develop their own personality and become (over time) their own person.
Also, Omri seems to have a vivid imagination. His mother more than likely thought the same and that why she never "punished" him. That is a good mom. Besides if he gets himself in trouble, by being late after the bell rang, then that's something he's going to have to deal with. Not her. That's how I treat my kids. The consequences are theirs, not mine. It's all a part of growing up.

I encourage my kids to be odd and different. It sets them apart from other kids who just want to "be like everyone else"..how dull. Compared to her friends my daughter has the most vibrant personality, and her teacher and friends' parents love her for being the way she is.

*There's a difference between women and girls, and it's not age*


Plus, in the book series, she reveals she's known ALL along...


The mother did seem too aloof for my taste. These are the kind of moms who have sons building bombs in the basement and don't know nothing about it.

Anonymity on the Net allows people to be their true, evil selves.


Yea well at the time of this movies release, I was very young. Young enough to get my mouth slapped for uttering the word "damn".

One time I used "GODdamned", and her a Jehovah's Witness and all, oh that mighty hand displayed a great example of religious justification, and parenting.

But I love my good mama.


I'd slap my kid if he said 'damn.' Not hard, but enough for him to know not to say it again.
It'll take more than a heart attack to kill that old bear. OLD BEAR! He likes the honey!


Damn you people would make some bad parents. Is damn even a damn cuss word anymore?


I don't think that there's a wrong and right way to raise your kids, however, if punishing or doing things to your children that include physical beatings, or verbal insults, (A.k.A. - ABUSE), then THAT is bad parenting.

You can raise your children right without resulting to physical or verbal abuse. Let your kids have their own personality. If they have a dream, help them achieve it. If they have trouble or need help at all with anything, be there for them. At the same time, keep a cautious eye out for them, because you never know what they're thinking. However, at the same time, don't get too intrusive.

Overall, just BE THERE for your kids.

ANGELS & DEMONS: Coming out 2009



While slapping the child for saying damn would have been a bit harsh, she could have at least said something along the lines of "Omri, where are you getting that language?".

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


Well...My guess is, she may have been one of those parents who is more free-thinking. Yeah, I always wondered why she didn't get mad at him for saying "damn." HAHA...She probably didn't say much because he said it in a kinda of facetious way, not really trying to defy her. Plus, she already had 2 grown boys, so she probably was just thinking "boys will be boys" for the most part of the movie.


Ya, she just smiles him when he says "damn" doesn't she? I wouldn't.

I'm riding an elephant to your house. Ill see you at six.
