Take, ohh, about eight bad scripts, and put 'em in a blender ...

... and you'll get this shrieking turkey.

It is not surprising that this comment is the first on an otherwise empty board.


hey, my uncle is nick vallalonga!


If I should thus be in fear, then -

-- that means he (nick vallalonga) listens to what you say, but -

-- if he listens to what you say, then -

-- -- that means you could have influenced him to make a better film, but -

-- -- if you did not influence him to make a better film, then -

-- -- -- you are to blame as well!!!

Besides, if you tell on me, I'll tell him you spelled his name without capital letters.


This movie was probably the worst movie I've seen in my life. I began to wonder why I thought it would be half decent.



Besides, if you tell on me, I'll tell him you spelled his name without capital letters.

Not to mention he spelled it wrong. His name is Nick Vallelonga.

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


I couldn't disagree more, dgross-3. While "Kingdom" is no "Godfather," William Petersen's performance alone should be enough to give you a better opinion of the film. I originally saw this movie on Cinemax (I think). It is about honor, trust, betrayal and loyalty, and the power that greed has over some people, but how things like honor and loyalty outweigh the power of greed. If you were expecting some kind of shoot-em-up, bang-bang piece of glamor-trash like the Soprano's you would have been sadly disappointed.

This was an excellent movie.

