
I missed the last 20 minutes or so of this movie ( had to get my kids off the bus. So Can anyone tell me...did she testify? Was she found guilty or innocent? Please I am dying to know!


from what i can remember she was found innocent

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THAT WAS WRONG WHAT HE DID TO HIS WIFE ALL SHE DID WAS LOVE HIM IN THE RIGHT WAY A MAN SHOULD BE LOVED BUT I AM TELLING EVERY WOMAN THAT HAVE BEEN IN THAT SITUTATION IS THAT YOU IS WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT MAN DO TO US WE MATTER it made me cry to think that neither her sister or her neighbor would tell that she was being hurt. I think that Ivan Sergei is a very good actor. I kept picturing David Jillefsky from time to time. He creeps me out everytime I watch this really love this movie and i hope that many women who have problems watch this movie for they can know what they can go through... i cant believe it. women never want to be in that situation it's awful what men do to women. to any women that are going through this please dont wait tell someone.even though it might be hard, tell someone. because no woman should go though this even if they love them very much. I LOVE IT BUT ITS ALSO A LITTLE SCARY.... It really does open your eyes to what goes on in marriages between husbands and wives. the worst part of it is that in many states like CA it doesn't matter if you report domestic abuse...unless the person who is being abused presses charges the abuser gets away with it...I know someone who gets abused quite frequently and because she can't bring herself to press charges it continually goes on and on... l saw this movie and this movie is very outstanding i almost cried because how can a man do that to a woman? he takes advantage of her and she loves him that movie is really sad i love that movie. I thought this was a very good movie. Also, I feel it was a movie where it makes you open your eyes to what goes on in marriages. Makes you realize things that you might that have realized before, or even noticed until seeing this movie. good movie to let women know that they don't have to take the abuse, no matter how much they love them. The one thing that i have to say to married women out there that are being abused by their husbads is that divorce them....they are not worth the time of day and NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO GO THOURGH A MARRIAGE LIKE THAT IT IS NOT HUMAN...... get to know someone before you get married..."Look before you leap".....Peace... think that this movie really helps women realize that they can't really trust a lot of men and that they can always talk to someone about what is happenig to them and they can do something about it. I thought this movie was a very good example of love in an abusive marriage. it had a very good plot and it was also very sad. I like this movie a lot. It shows that women go through abusive marriages.
