MovieChat Forums > The Hunted (1995) Discussion > This is better than The Hunted (2003)!

This is better than The Hunted (2003)!

I know this is a wasted effort on my part, but what the hell. Sure the other had huge potential but squandered it. And the ending was very poor. But this one? Did very well on a much lower budget, great combat scenes, lots of humor, and a great music by Kodo. Is it art? Nope. Del Toro and Jones had some acting chops to throw down in 2003, but were undone by the plot holes. But in 1995 Lambert made this which was entertaining and much more satisfying than the 2003 film of the same name. Probably the best film he's done after Highlander and Greystoke. At least 100 times better than "Vercingétorix/Druids"!



We stand alone, it would seem.

It is lonely being right sometimes .



*** SPOILERS for both The HUNTED (1995) AND The HUNTED (2003) BELOW***

For a Lambert film, the supporting cast in general was great. Yoshio Harada and Tak Kubota in particular make this movie. Harada's screen presence, especially in the acton sequences, is amazing. I would love to see him in more english-speaking films. If it weren't for his age, he would be ideal for a new Lone Wolf & Cub film! Kubota, while perhaps playing a comic relief role, makes the character endearing and human. John Lone and Joan Chen are both very good too.

The Hunted (2003) was such a letdown in comparison. Del Toro was great as always, as was Jones. But you are correct, TLJ was on autopilot. It didn't take a lot of imagination to cast him in the role. I don't know if it was just a poor script, bad directing, or terrible editing that castrated that film. In the end, it was the end that ruined it. There was no real reason for the way it ended much less the manner in which it did so. Why did Del Toro's character have to die? How could Jones' character possibly win?

The Hunted (1995) while not taking itself so seriously or having as firm a basis in logic (the ghost of Kirina, Lambert's defeating of Kinjo, Lambert's even moderate besting of Takeda, Takeda thinking his army of students could have a chance against Kinjo's ninjas, Lambert running amok in Tokyo casinos before being saved by a little girl, etc.) still manages to be more believable.




Absolutely...this film is delightful



I saw this movie years ago, but I remember next to nothing about it except for bits and pieces. I fairly recall that Joan Chen was killed early on and that the final fight was rain-drenched; I've heard there was a great action sequence set in a bullet train, but nothing's coming to mind. Just out of curiosity, how does this compare with Blind Fury, which I thought was a fun action flick with a cool hero and excellent swordfights.



Hell yes.The hunted(2003) had none of the excitment on its 55 million budget.

With only 10 million 1995's hunted is far better.


It ain't EVEN close. This one, to me, is a classic. Great underrated and not known well enough movie. It is one of those you can tell it'd be excellent once it started.

And hearing those drums with at least 4 speakers is awesome.

"Yeah man but it's a dry heat"


I've always believed The Hunted (1995) is far superior than the other, newer version with the same name. Of course, I merely keep this to myself since different people always have different opinions on a certain subject matter.

Personally, I'd even postulate that The Hunted (1995) has far more "spirit" to it, compared to the other one that obviously lacks many of the essential elements -- human elements especially -- that make a movie great!


Much better,but the 2003 one was ok too.


