Women's Storyline

I caught this movie today while it was on Lifetime. However, I caught it in the middle of Samatha Mathis' story. My question is I can't remember Anne Bancroft's story specifically. What was the deal with the broken pieces glued onto the wall? What was her story? And was was Ellen Burstyn's story also? I guess I could go rent it and watch it again but I thought I would try this avenue. Thanks.


This has a part of the story line!!!!

When Ellen Burstyn's husband was about to die, she was a wreck, totally heartbroken and in a moment of grief she sleeps with Anne Bancroft's husband. Bancroft never really forgives either of them, but she stays with her husband anyway. In one part he tries to talk to her but she starts to throw stuff at him, porcelain figures, vases, stuff like that and that's what she plasters on the wall so neither of them would ever forget what they did to her.

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