MovieChat Forums > Higher Learning (1995) Discussion > ZERO stars for this absulute piece of ga...

ZERO stars for this absulute piece of garbage..

There is nothing worse than a highly preachy film with one dimensional characters and a didactic theme. All so predictable and filled with paradigms.

OMG I could spend two hours going over second by second why this was just so bad. The inconsistent accent from Lawrence without any purpose whatsoever. The terrible acting and the hammering of racial themes throughout. It was like a bad made-for-TV-movie. Too melodramatic..... even the blood looks so fake and the fights were choreographed by Pew Wee Herman..

Stay away from this.....


Yeah, I consider this to be one of the worst films ever made. I'm not exaggerating here. This is an epic failure in filmmaking at every level.

This film represents the high mark of knee jerk political correctness in American culture. Riddled with stereotypical racial and sexual clichés, this film seems to equate the first day of college with the first day of prison.

But it took a 'perfect storm' of circumstances to create a film this bad. Singleton's audacity combined with attitudes of the day, in the wake of the Rodney King riots, combine to make the most preachy, offensive film of all-time.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


The purpose for Fishburne's accent is explicated in the director's commentary track.

Oh yes it's Laaarry Holmes/and the feeelin's right/Oh yes it's Laaarry Holmes/what a fight


Yeah, I think I'll pass on that. I still can't get the stench of this film out of my head.

Its my pick for the worst film ever made. It wasn't just offensively bad, with absolutely no redeeming qualities, it created racism where none existed, and people got hurt.

I'll take Punctuality


Whether it was Singleton's objective or not, this film plays very well as a satirical look at the 90's social and collegiate culture.

Yes, if you take it as the serious piece of work it was intended to be, this film slips on banana peels the entire time, making this an utter farce

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


absolutely, i wish i had read your post prior to seeing this thing

so many movies, so little time
