MovieChat Forums > Haunted (1996) Discussion > I love this film, but......(Book Spoiler...

I love this film, but......(Book Spoilers)

It really did rape the novel. I know the film versions of books are just adaptations and it doesnt have to be the same, before anyone has a go at me for that.

But they just took out nearly all the scary bits, replaced them with slightly spooky bits and added way too much empehsis on the romance. I think the most annoying part is making Juliette a good little girl instead of the mean bitch she really was. The whole reason he went to Edbrook in the book was becasue it was set up by her which I think is a fantastic twist! I miss the dog aswel, he was one of the really scary things about the book.

Anyone agree?

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


I haven't read the book but can you give examples to how bitchy his sister was? Also, why did she lure him to Edbrook?

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


They were not a friendly pair like the film suggests and she blames him for his death. She lures him there as revenge.

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


Yep! I certainly agree there.

I thought the film was ok. Nothing great, but worth watching for the good cast. On the whole, I think it would have been creepier if it followed the book more closely, particularly since the pyrotechnic ending the movie gave us didn't work for me.

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I read the book ages and ages ago and had forgotten that. In fact, I've forgotten most of the book period. How does the book end? And what becomes of Juliet's and David's relationship in the book's end?


The film ends with David and Juliet meeting in a burning down house, then the ghosts kill nanny tess.

And david goes home...boring.

In the sequal Juliet comes for David again in a new village.

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


Yes I agree that the film was mediocre compared to the book. The book had an eerie feel about it and there was the dog and the ghosts revealing themselves as rotting corpses at the end. That was all missing from the film and I think that the movie suffered as a result. The ghosts looked far too healthy and well in the end of the movie and that was not one bit frightening. The sister was meant to be a rotten person and that was also missing which makes the story a bit too happy when she saves him from the fire...then the ending was a bit messy too. There was a certain evil and wickedness absent from the film which is a pity as there were plenty of scares in the novel..


I prefer the 'Evil sister conspiring with the ghosts' twist. The 3rd book in the series comes out late this year/early next year.

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


In my early question, I meant to ask how the book ended as far as Juliet was concerned. What became of their relationship (David's and Juliet's) in the book?

Is Juliet featured in the sequel?


In the book she hated him more and he hated her more.

I'm pretty sure shes in the sequal, but I havnt read it in about 5 years so I cant be sure.

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"



Now I will have to read the book. I liked the movie, but when I saw it came from a James Herbert novel, I was surprised by how subtle and traditional it was. Typically James Herbert is completely over the top, with sex scenes reading like Penthouse Forum and completely outlandish situations. He is almost the literary equivalent of an exploitation film. Sounds like the novels are more along the line of what I'm used to reading from him.


I just finished the film after avoiding it for so many years.

I loved the book when I was younger and didn't want to see it get ruined.

It met all my lowered expectations.

The worst part was how they handled Ash's character.

I liked how in the book he was a moody alcoholic with personality flaws galore.

The film version took all that away and made him a complete bore.
