Reminds me of socialism

Why? Well the society is attemting complete equality, not by aiding the weak, but by attacking the strong. The soviet union did this, by making everyone live under equally apalling conditions, regardless of whether they were competant or not. Basically eradicting any reason to excell, as excellance bears no fruits. So why bother working hard? Thats (Imo) one of the fundamental reasons why socialism doesnt work, as societies that dont reward inspiration and perspiration will slowly decrease in quality of existance.

Naturally, just like in socialism, we have the politicians that live better lives than the normal citizens that they "make equal."



This story is nothing like a criticism of socialism. You know it's a Vonnegut short story, right? He IS a socialist. Socialism has nothing to do with censoring intellectual thought. Russia was communist. There is a difference. And the basis of communism and socialism has nothing to do wih breaking down individual expression, creativity, et cetera. Individual cases of taking away rights have nothing to do with actual socialism, more the dictatorships that are regretably the leaders of the socialist and communist nations. Socialism IS NOT naturally evil, and if a socialist country were founded with democracy, it could function, but the mistake has been made of putting one person in control. It does not matter what kind of government you have, if it is a dictatorship or a monarchy, it will not work.


Russia was not communist, it appropriated Marx's communist rhetoric to ideologically build a totalitarian state.


Considering the typical small-mindedness of socialists, it's not really too big of a stretch to believe that a socialist may have unwittingly written a story about the faults of socialism. After all, just because someone writes a story doesn't mean they truly understand the underlying causes.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


it's not really too big of a stretch to believe that a socialist may have unwittingly written a story about the faults of socialism.

This is what is so amazing about this tale that the truth in the art overtook the artist's own political dogmatism. Vonnegut denied the obvious truth about this story because it would have canceled out much of his life's philosophy.


I think it was more a narrative on the dangers of being controlled by the media and a satire on the masses belieivng and trusting what they are told as long as it's presented to them on they're television set (if we keep watching big brother and such we will end up a pack of mindless zombies)



Socalism is not about making everyone identical. It is about the strong helping the weak, not being attacked by them! There was a line in this movie about being equal but not identical. You are confusing socalism with extreme communism of the likes of Pol Pot.

That being said, their new logo in this movie did feature communist style art.

"No man is just a number"



Keep this in mind both Communism, and Socialism are identical but for one retrospect. In Socialism people vote representatives in. Communism there is no vote. However keep in mind what the USSR or aka CCCP stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or akin example of what Nazi stands for National Socialist Workers party

Just something to contemplate the word Socialist appears in both and depending how you view things. Communism is about being a classless society and fighting class by whatever means necessary. Socialism does punish innovation in turns to benefit the State. Also in both communism and socialism the individual is not the state. The state is government and it isn't beholden to any power restriction.

Ricky Cain



Well, while id does borrow from leftist ideology, we also have a full-blown consumer society that never existed in the communist states. So I think it's simply a critique of the One Dimensional Man, as Marcuse would have put it, of conformism, consumerism, downwards equality, supression of individual expression and critical thinking, suppression of art (like in Fahrenheit 354), hyper-technologization (see also Vonnegut's "Player Piano"), anti-intellectualism.

To me, the best line was when the leader of the administrators said that they don't want to build a super-race, denying far-right ideologies to try to justify the system. Not sure it's in the short story, since I haven't read it.


the leader of the administrators said that they don't want to build a super-race, denying far-right ideologies to try to justify the system.
Funny you say that when throughout history, the far left have been the ones obsessed with the super-race.

We see it even now with gene/stem cell research.


Did the Soviet Union do this? I think what they did was similar to what big corporations do and that is makes sure the control the genius of men. For example, when we google "energy storing bicycles" we damn sure aren't going to get a plan to construct a bicycle, only links to buy one, which if we are on the right side (not pushing to make the control of innovation known), we might be rewarded with cash to buy one.

I think Vonnegut was also poking fun at US perception of socialism, which is sort of the exact opposite of Galt's Gulch. He leaves it up to interpretation.

However if you've looked and know a little bit about the ways of Hollywood or any other big industry, you would know that intentionally bad product is churned out to keep competitors in other countries for example, from forming their own industries as well.

SciFi is always more about the present than the future.


Years later...I could not agree more. I see it everyday as I live in a country with socialist democracy and you are right on target. Of course, for those who grew up here and know nothing different its normal. For an outsider like myself it is a life of mediocrity at best.


It's not Socialism, it's Communism. It's a Communist Uptopia where everyone is the same, and is totally CONTROLLED by the government for "the common good". This is the end game of all Democrats, Socialists, and Communists.

To quote from IMDB:

"In a distant future, egalitarianism has created a truly equal state. The cost? The sacrifice of everything great about humankind. The question: Is peace worth the price?"

For me, the answer is a resounding NO!

