MovieChat Forums > La haine (1996) Discussion > Overrated and boring

Overrated and boring

I had high hopes for this film, but after a while of wanting the "introduction" to end I realised this film had not plot.


Like life!


I kinda understand you. I was hoping for a better film too.

Im gonna go that far and say it's boring but definetly overrated.


So because you believe it, that's how it is?

I say it wasn't boring and was distinctly underrated. I found the characters compelling, even though they were unlikable in many aspects.

Maybe you can't see how it relates to the culture in France at the time, and how it was prophetic to the future of wha WOULD come. Or how cinematically delicious it was. Taking cues from Scorsese and Lee, while ensuring the feel was exactly his.

Is your opinion wrong? No, not at all. It's yours, and that's fine. But this post comes off as exactly what it is, a troll post. Criticize, fine, but do it like an intelligent human or go talk to your toilet.


If you can find these scumy characters compelling, you'll find anything compelling, mayhaps paint drying?
Anyway, this film had DISlikable characters so obnoxious i was glad when the police snuffed Vinz. It had absolutely no plot, terrible dialogue and just because it's in black and white and relates to the current sociopolitical situation at that time, doesnt gloss over the fact it was void of plot, compelling characters and a good story. If I'm considered a troll because i do not shovel in film faddism believe a film should be entertaining, thoughtful, strong in story and not follow bohemian film fashions, so be it.


Vinz got "snuffed" by the skinheads, not the cops.

This is why your opinion has no backing and isn't worthwhile. If you didn't get that, what did you get?

And of course the characters were unlikable. So was Scarface, or the Corleons, or any number of characters in any number of fantastic movies. Pulp fiction, terrible. This is the story of youths who ended up in crappy positions due to a combination of poverty, boredom and hate begetting hate. If you can't see past their flaws and see the bigger picture, then I feel very sorry for you.

That said , you've also still not given any criticism that has solid ground. The dialogue wasn't deep? It had no plot or point? Clearly you and I were watching a different movie.

You aren't a troll because you desire the things you've mentioned, you're a troll because you posted with no intelligence and presented nothing. If a person feels a film is bad and wants to discuss the points in an intelligent way, fine. We need more of that. What we don't need more of is pointless "this is crap, everyone who liked it is stupid." Especially when, in your response to me, you basically state I'm stupid for finding anything compelling in the characters.

We have different opinions on a film, but the difference is that you have no interest in creating any sort of dialogue about it. That is textbook trolling. Hopefully you're wise enough to at least see that.


Lighten up Francis!! The cop did kill Vinz. The fact that you didn't get that removes any shred of credibility that you could have hoped to have and his post wasn't nearly as trollish as yours.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I watched it again, and you, and op, are right.

It was the plains clothes policemen they were taunting from the rooftop late in the evening.

The fact that op initially posted saying "no plot, boring. Dumb" and then followed up with a post trying to say that there was no way to possibly "like" characters this despicable or obnoxious.

That point is fair, but to dismiss my opinion, saying that if I liked them, then I clearly like stupid and boring things.

Instead of actually building on what I said and building a solid reasoning, it seems he still doesn't get it, at all.

As well, having characters that are "likable" is not a requirement for a great film. As I pointed out, Scarface, The Godfather, almost every Scorsese film and so on all contain characters who are irredeemable and even more evil than the characters in this film. It doesn't mean op or ANY person has to like them, but to dismiss someone who sees something more is... Well, it's what I should expect from imdb.

As to the plot, or lack thereof, the film attempted to convey the pointlessness of violence, and how hate begets hate.

Opinions are fine. Everyone is free to have and express it. But to only look at something from a narrow viewpoint, and to state, as was done here, that it wasn't opinion but fact, is where I have an issue.

Simply leaving it open, asking what people liked about it and so on would have actually meant it was an opinion. Responding and simply calling then points I raised, basically saying "you're wrong, and the fact that you can't see that is ridiculous" is where I have issues.

Just because a movie doesn't follow a person's pre-determined expectation, say a film like Salo, in which the written story is not to be taken literally, does that automatically make it a "bad film".

Again, while I admit that I was wrong about that specific part of the film, watching it again stressed how much I enjoyed this film and how good of a job it did to provide a snapshot into what life was like in France during the time period. The racism, the violence and hatred that begat more violence was shown in a fairly realistic form here.

And to be honest, if you met the people they were modeled after you'd probably find them incredibly unlikeable. Them being "boring" was likely how they were. They had no money, they had nothing else to do but sit, listen to stupid stories from kids and do the only thing they knew how to do, continue the circle of violence.

It takes looking beyond your own prejudice to see that even though they were unlikeable, they chose not to murder the skinhead that, likely, would have killed them if Vinz hadn't stepped in. They're someone's child, someone's friend. They're flawed, and the nature surrounding them keeps them flawed. Until the cycle is broken, it will keep on.

And, in fact, the police officer killing them makes an even bigger point: if you can't trust those who are supposed to protect you from violence, who can you trust? Did they deserve to even have the "cop" pull his gun? A million times no.

I'm just sorry for those that only want to take films like this at face value. As much as I didn't like Vinz, I had a very strong emotional reaction to his death.

Just because people are annoying, commit petty crimes, struggle with their own sense of right and wrong... It doesn't mean they deserve to die.


@ andsoitgoeson

Your passion for the film and certain social views comes through in your posts. The OP does not want to discuss his/her POV at all hence their silly remark about you because you defended the film.

The film has a definite plot; anyone who perceives none is slightly to fairly dim. It's a great film that via Hubert shows how hard it is to break out from certain social roles and expectations. It was very funny too in spite of the tragedies it dealt with.

what a season
to be beautiful
without a reason


Poppy, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship ;)

It seems like you and I might have quite a lot in common!


It is ..? We do ..?

what a season
to be beautiful
without a reason


You are 100% correct my friendī§

TFA - rehashed pos


Agreed. Nothing to write home about.


It lacks the loud, bright explosions & random sex scenes of good Hollywood fare.

Space For Sale.


Its just another film, didnt do anything for me either.
