The Word Gonin

What does the word Gonin actually mean in english?

I'm guilty of using it as my screen name on a few forums/games etc. However i only choose it because i liked the film, i own the film and its a name that sounds cool. It's also rarely taken already, it's kinda nice and orginal.

However, what does it mean? I bet it means fruity homosexual or something knowing my luck...probably had Japanese people laughing at me for years..


Go means five, -nin is a common addition to any number, to indicate that you are referring to people. So Gonin literally means "5 people" or (in this case) "5 men". It can also mean "5 women", that's why the second one is also called "Gonin", even though referring to women.

Awesome movie, by the way. I just got my "Real Edition" from Japan and I absolutely love it, despite it's complete lack of subtitles. Y'can't have everything...


Thank you so much for the explanation. You deserve a cookie of epic magnitude!

Real Edition sounds cool, the UK version is a little shoddy.



It's a shame these IMDB boards don't allow any kanji, isn't it. I'm sure it would help with so many explanations.

