Beth/Jody--The love story of the movie

About an hour in, for example, Beth leaves two boys who are clearly attracted to her, to see Jody. The girls's conversation also seems more like a typical love interest conversation from other films of the time. As a kid, something always struck me as different about the relationship between Beth and Jody, and now, as a young woman, I have the words to describe it: They're in love. Anyone else agree? Disagree?


Nope! Totally agree with you. Can you think of other movies sort of like this?
If only they did they original script from Bend It Like Bekham :/


Yes, absolutely. I knew it when I watched when it first came out. First love. Nothing could keep them away from each other.


My god, this wasn't even subtext they seemed to be out and out love interests. Yeah, I definitely agree with you - Jody and Beth were definitely attracted to each other. I didn't much care for the movie, but the depiction of their relationship was unique and refreshing.


Will you people stop?? It was not a love story!! They were Just friends.


Why don't you stop? Why can't they be more than just friends? Lesbians have feelings when they're young too. Is something wrong with that? There's plenty of movies about little straight kids having crushes. Hmm. In fact, I think Chlumsky was in a pretty famous one herself before this.



Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


I also felt like Jody was jealous when Beth pointed out there were a couple of cute guys. She immediately said they're just after her for her money with a sting in her voice.


i see it
