How did Destroyah die?

I never found out. I turned my back for three seconds, and then I see him/her/it fall down and blow up. What did I miss in the short period of back turned time?

A.R.F., the Anti Remake Force


It's simple TMD, very simple. While your back was turned, Destroyah was battered with freezer guns by the SuperX-3 and freezer tanks(while flying away), then he falls and explodes(again!!) but more violent.




I cried when Godzilla melted,but thank goodness Toho let little Godzilla live.

"When you gotta go,you gotta go"-Ian Malcom,JP,MY HERO!!!!


Godzilla nearly sets fire to Destoroyah, who was already weak from Godzilla's heat beam, and when Destoroyah was trying to escape, the Super X-III frozed him and eventually killed him.
