So... (Spoiler)

The Godzilla in the Milennium series is Godzilla Jr.? Since Godzilla's death revived Godzilla Jr., I'm guessing the monster from Godzilla 2000 on was Godzilla Jr.

It's not pink! It's lightish red!


No, because Godzilla 2000 is not in the same continuity as the Heisei series.

Movies I have voted a 10:

Schindler's List
Pulp Fiction
The Return of the King


well it should be that would make a lot more sense. otherwise why have the loose end of jr absorbing the radiation of Godzillas death and then do nothing with that at all? that makes no sense at all to me


Originally, Shogo Tomiyama was going to make "Godzilla: Final Wars" a continuation, with it being about Junior and taking place in 2070 or something. But sadly when Kitamura got involved, any clue of it being connected at all is non-existent in the finished project. Admittingly, I would prefer to see Junior sometime. That've been cool in "Final Wars" if it was him, all grown-up and a wicked sweet bad-ass. Like father, like son.

His power is unequel. His battles are legendary. His return is near.
-Godzilla 2000
