That's right, an alternate ending that wasn't used in the movie. Toho studios was going to use it, but they decided to not use it and replaced it with the ending we all know. AND I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT AND RUIN THE SUPRISE OF THE ENDING!!!!


How are we supposed to see the ending??SciFi???

"When you gotta go,you gotta go"-Ian Malcom,JP,MY HERO!!!!


You can try ebay or



can u post the link so we can see it



I know that Controller but I still would like to see it anyways



This is the ending:

After Destroyer falls out of the air, he gets back all all broken and battered. Godzilla marches straight up to him and begins whaling on him like crazy. Meltdown begins and G-Force opens fire with freeze weapons, but Godzilla keeps punching and eventually beats Destroyer to death. Godzilla then proceeds to melt away.

It was shot as a dupe so if the press leaked it, their real ending wouldn't be ruined. Of you see it, you can see that Godzilla's "death" here is poorly shot with effects equipment easily in the shots.


Theres also another deleted scene where that hole in Destroyer's chest opens up and he fires out a huge energy beam.

I'm a silent watcher. I float above you all and quietly watch you rag on all the noobs


Absolutely... but these movies all have tons of outtakes. Hell, Spacegodzilla had like 30 minutes taken out by Toho (including many sequences which explained stuff).

But "Godzilla vs. Destroyer" and "Godzilla vs. Biollante" are the only ones of the series with an alternate ending shot... even though Destroyer's was a dupe.


God it would be amazing if all the heisei films got directors cuts with great editors working on them, love the movies but some of them have some serious pacing issues
