Made my cry like hell

This was one the most beautiful Godzilla movie ever. I remember watching this back in 1995. It made me cry at the end to see such a great monster die. It really hurts. @ To all of you the says that this movie sucks and the ending was rubbish.. you have no feelings or good movie taste at all.. you are coldblooded *beep* who should get shot in the head.. And yes I agree totally that the ending scene should have won an Oscar.. also it was amazingly done at the very end of the movie were they have compiled 1954's & 1984-1995's Godzilla footages and the very end show Godzilla's famous roar in this movie.. Man I love Godzilla!!!


You came on a little strong there with that "*beep* who should get shot in the head" thing.

Dammit, I've never seen that montage at the end. None of the videos I've watched have had it! What am I supposed to be looking for on the videocase that tells me if it's there or not?

Robots in space (Quicktime):



Poor Goji. :( The ending was very sad indeed. The music also makes the sadness worser.


This film has one of the best build-ups in Godzilla film history. After Destroyah drops Junior about 600 feet from the air and Godzilla cries, you really feel it. It gets even more emotional for the viewer watching Godzilla slowly approach the fatally wounded young one and trying to revive him with no success (Ifukube scored this like a dream); Kaiju film or not but that was beautiful and heartbreaking and it is then you really want Godzilla to just obliterate Destroyah. The very end is made even more powerful to watch from these previous elements.

I never believed Godzilla was a "bad guy" in the Heisei series. People were casualties of his size and his aggressive animalistic curiosity (see the train sequence in Gojira '84). He really is just an animal, a victim of humanity. Destroyah proves Miki's assertion in Space Godzilla that "he has feelings too!"

And I agree. He may have been a treat to humanity because of his invasive nature and spreading of radiation... but he really didn't mean to be.

"Your views are as narrow as your tie."
- Bernard Herrmann


Yeah, in the Heisei series, Godzilla was more of an anti-hero than villain. He didn't want to kill people, but live somewhere, but not killing people is difficult when you're 100 meters tall.
From the start of the climactic battle when Godzilla enters to the end is full of tear-jerking moments. I didn't "cry like hell," as the OP stated, but I almost did start crying. Even the score makes me feel like I'm gonna start crying.

What I mean to say is that my pants are on fire.


I didn't cry, but I really felt for the big guy. It was the first Godzilla movie I saw that makes the viewer feel sorry for him.


That movie made me cry my eyes out. I also cried when Godzilla cried over his son. I felt so bad for the Big G. Then came the part where Godzilla died in such a graphic and deeply-moving way, I could barely watch the movie at that part but I cheered when Junior came back. Also I thought Destroyah was a big a-hole for killing Junior.


I got teary-eyed watching the ending to this one. It's one of the saddest Japanese monster films ever made.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
