I'm not afraid to say this

I cried when Godzilla died. This was around the time I was 5 when I first saw this movie and the impact of it hasn't left me since. Hell I went through depression when I watched my hero die. lol

Overall the movie was really good, and an excellent way to end the Godzilla series.


Sweet spoiler.

"Put a warm rug in the car. It's cold outside when you have to go about naked." - The Invisible Man


Yes... a spoiler for a movie that came out in 1995 and whose poster tagline was "GOJIRA SHISU" (GODZILLA DIES).


Am I expected to have seen every movie up to this point or something...? Is anyone? And the tagline part was pretty irrelevant, IMO! Was it "GOJIRA SHISU" in Sweden? Was it "GOJIRA SHISU" anywhere outside of Japan? Do I even understand Japanese? If it was in the title itself, sure...but one of its TAGLINES? Come on.

It is old, indeed. But if you ask me, the age of something is irrelevant when it comes to spoilers. Because, again, you can't watch have watched everything when it was new. I was 3 years old when this one was released, for instance. And if the movie pre-dates you... yeah, that's just unfair. So yes, I think age is irrelevant. [Commencing mild cheesefest] It's still a story waiting to be untold.

Fair enough, though, I guess.

Hit the reply button on MY post (only) if it's ME you want to reply to.


So... we're responsible for your ignorance?


Oh, not at all! But you can try to be considerate, in case someone with interest is unaware. There ARE spoiler tags around this place for a reason. Not that I care too much on the subject of monster movies, though. I just think it's a matter of principle.

Hit the reply button on MY post (only) if it's ME you want to reply to.


who cares... why would you be reading a forum about this film and just clicking on links if you dont want to know what happens?


Oh gee, I don't know... Perhaps if you're interested in a movie and want to know more about it (to decide whether or not you want to watch it)? Wild guess, though. Truly.

I'm a peacock. You gotta let me fly!


IMDb boards are obviously going to be full of spoilers, you should just be thankful he didn't put in the title 'I cried when Godzilla died'.

Maybe next time you'll be a bit more careful.

Sayonara, not to be confused with cyanide, which is, of course, goodbye in any language.


You're right. :)

I'm a peacock. You gotta let me fly!


Yeah, I agree with Stu, it's your fault for coming on a board that's full of spoilers. I never go on a message board for a movie/ game until I've watched it/ beaten it. I don't even let the page go all the way down to the boards on IMDB, I'm that paranoid.


I would only say it's partly my fault. Still, the IMDb Message Boards Etiquette* states:

Unannounced Spoilers
If your message includes a spoiler you must announce it in the subject of your post. Spoilers in the body of a post should also be hidden by using the (spoiler) and (/spoiler) markup tags.

I realize not everyone is going to read that, but yeah, it's worth mentioning when people say you should expect the spoilers. As it says, you aren't allowed to spoil things without a warning. It was their intention that you could browse the message boards safely.

They should put a disclaimer about this above the post window, I think. Although I'm pretty sure just as many people still wouldn't follow it anyway. People can't read. I used to have a disclaimer as my signature, stating that people should only reply to my post if they're actually replying to me. Guess what? People still misused the reply system just as frequently, replying to me when they're talking to a guy 5 posts above mine.

* http://www.imdb.com/help/search?domain=helpdesk_faq&index=1&fi le=boardsetiquette
I'm a peacock. You gotta let me fly!


Yeah, of course IMDB warns you against doing it, but look what it says when you try to report someone's post on grounds that they had a spoiler without a warning:

Discussions on our boards are likely to contain plot spoilers and this is therefore not normally reason enough to report abuse. However, if the post relates to a recent title and the intention of the post is to deliberately ruin the viewer's enjoyment, please go back and choose the "none of the above" option on the abuse menu instead.

So while IMDB does try to stop it, they also recognize that it IS going to happen. That's why I never go into a discussion board for a movie or game until I've finished watching/ playing it. That's just setting myself up to get it spoiled for me if I do. Happens on youtube videos too. I'm sorry the movie got spoiled for you, but this should teach you to do what I do from now on or it'll happen again.

As for the replying thing, yeah that irritates me too, especially since my computer's slow so it takes more time to get to the boards where the guy's like "About your post zardog99" etc. But hey, what are you going to do, people are always going to use your post for a launching pad to get their post posted. I wouldn't bother getting angry over it.


Ah. I did not know that. I stand somewhat corrected.

I'm a peacock. You gotta let me fly!


I don't understand why people on these boards are so difficult when it comes to spoilers...It sucks when something is spoiled, so even if it's the most obvious of things, like (star wars spoiler)Darth Vader is Luke's father there are still some people out there that haven't seen it yet, and if they're reading my post I don't want to be the one to rob them of the impact that said plot detail causes. It's three extra clicks to add a spoiler tag. First, click the "spoiler" button, then click in the middle of the tags, and after you're done typing, click back to after the tag ends. Instead, everybody whines and complains saying durr stay off boards if you don't want spoilers. I don't know about anybody else, but when I'm interested in/excited to watch a movie/show, I like to read stuff about it. I always assume there are other people out there that are the same way, so I will go out of my way to tag any spoilers. Is everybody else just really inconsiderate or something?

Also, i don't know why Godzilla dying. I don't know why I even put this in a spoiler tag because it's in the first post but whatever is considered such a spoiler/impacting moment...[spoiler]he dies in the first one too and nobody cries[/quote]


Just a heads up, if you don't want to be spoiled, don't go into movie forums because that is where the movie is discussed. Spoiler warnings are only on topic threads around release and before... not 16 years later. Curiosity killed the cat.


No, I'm pretty sure people are spoiling movies of any year around these parts, including new ones.

I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...


Vader is also Luke's father. Soylent Green is people
