Pious Georgia

I am afraid that I have known too many people in this life that were too much like good old Gerogia. It has been a while since I have seen this film, but I do recall that Georgia's hubby revealed to Sadie that they both were (years ago, apparently) unfaithful to one another. In other words--like Sadie--imperfect. Yet, they were able to work through it all, to change. Georgia just loves that she has the muffin-baking, LL Bean lifestyle. She loves that she has the $$$. She is smug and exclusionary. No wonder Sadie acts out. There is simply no place in a world like Georgia's for her.



I watched the movie again last night and what I thought about Georgia's behavior was this--it seems that Georgia has so much talent with her beautiful voice; she's successful, she's cultivated a certain lifestyle for herself and family and while she'll always help Georgia, take her in, take her back, give her money, some work...it seemed almost like Georgia put all of her emotions into her music, which is how she communicated--through and to her audience, who basically idolize her as a "voice." Sadie also idolizes her, obviously; however, while Georgia has this special connection of communication with her audience, she has lost the ability to truly communicate with her family...

Anyhoo, that's how I saw it!

Kat Ramone



I think y'all are being too hard on Georgia. If you've ever had to deal with a real-life Sadie, it is emotionally exhausting. Look at Georgia's face when she is getting on the elevator at the re-hab facility and the nurse is talking to her. It is obvious she loves and cares for Sadie, but she is sick and tired of the drama (understandably so, IMO). Mare Winningham's low-key performance is outstanding and reflects the conflicting emotions her character is feeling. Both JJL and Mare Winningham really turned in sublime performances in this film.

"Pray for an early spring ... or permission to open fire."


the last - i agree with your thoughts re georgia. mannnn, sadie is an energy drainer. a little of her goes a long way. georgia is an angel to put up with her, AND continually give her money/be supportive, especially when she knows sadie will just blow it and be back for more.

the OP sounds as though she is sadie when writing that post.



So agree with your comments & your analysis ~

11/16/12: The day the Twinkie died :(



very much like what u said

and she doesn't really know how to truly support sadie without enabling her in some way to remain dependent


I don't see her as pious. She never preaches to Sadie. Georgia lives a life of balance between her music and her family. Sadie is intense and extreme, and self destructive. Totally her choice to live that life. But from Georgia's perspective, Sadie is draining and tough to be around.


steven c64 is right. Anyone would be hard pressed not to be drained by a 'sadie' especially a loved one. People like sadie use people and suck up all the air in the room with their destructive behavior and they're selfishness. It would be hard for any 'Georgia' to sit by and watch her sister self-destruct. There's nothing 'pious' about it. Should Georgia allow Sadie to drag her chaos into Georgia's life? No.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"


I think it's a tribute to Jennifer's performance that viewers actually feel sorry for her and feel that Georgia is a bit condescending. I believe Georgia truly loves her sister but refuses to allow her self-destructiveness to take her down as well. Having been in a relationship with someone like Sadie in my past, I can relate 100% to Georgia. You get to the point where your recognize you can't save someone hellbent on destroying themselves.


I wonder if the reason for viewers' sympathy for Sadie is that many of us identify with her more than with Georgia?
