Absolutely Terrible

I consider myself a seasoned movie watcher, although I have not seen a ridiculous amount of films I still take great care in determining whether a movie is good or not and take all factors into account. With that being said, this movie sucks. The only redeeming factors are as follows: Antonio Banderas character, Bruce's cameo, Marissa Tomei's cameo and THAT IS IT! Everything else about this movie was so boring and uneventful. In the beginning I had to put on the subtitles because the fruity bell-hop wasn't talking loud enough. The witches were dumb, the drug-headed husband was boring and the kids were some watered down home alone *beep* except that it wasn't funny. The only moment of suspense was during Tarantino's drunken rant before the bet only to be cutoff by the credits and about half a dozen unnecessary f-bombs (a common occurrence in Tarantino's work). I understand how many of you who will curse at me and call me names are avid Tarantino fans or underground cult hipsters but this movie is OVERRATED. But please I welcome your criticism as I really have no idea how someone could sit through this twice.


I didn't care for the first two segments but I disagree about the last two. There is no inherent right and wrong, no good or bad in liking or not liking a movie. Every decision a person makes is a product of their subjective taste. This is not offered as criticism because you are entitled to your honest opinion without being criticised for it.

How do the angels get to sleep when the Devil leaves his porch light on?


Well first I just have to say that I am very surprised that this is the first response due to its philosophical nature (I'm a philosophy major). I have yet to come across a person on this site let alone in real life who shares the belief in no inherent good or bad. With that being said "bad" in this case is subjective and therefore valid as I never meant for my post to be taken objectively, only to generate responses.

As for the movie I recently re-watched the last 2 rooms and found that the scene leading up to Antonio Banderas's return was laugh out loud hilarious, however I still found the film in its entirety to be unsatisfying.

Anyway I agree with your argument, respect your opinion but would ask for elaboration, and must admit that the completeness of my last post was primarily to stimulate debate so thank you.

nothing matters


Well, my comments were intended to be confined to something as subjective as tastes in movies, art, food, etc. One man's meat is another man's poison. But as Woodrow Wilson Smith once observed, "Your enemy is never a villain in his own eye. Keep this in mind, it may offer a way to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate--and quickly." Despite that, I still would have cut Hitler's throat if I had the chance.

How do the angels get to sleep when the Devil leaves his porch light on?



I'm a HUGE Tarantino fan.
That being said, this film definitely sucked.
The fourth installment is only slightly entertaining. The other 3 were pretty awful.


Not a terrible movie by any means.

The first segment was unfunny and uneventful, I'll give you that, and the second segment needed some work, but the final two are pure comedy gold (especially the 3rd one). The climax of the 3rd segment is so funny that I don't think I've ever laughed harder in my life.


Same here. The first segment is pretty awful, the second one is so so, the last one is pretty good, but the one with the kids is absolutely hilarious with great acting from everyone, including the kids. I love the scene where Banderas tries to forcefully comb the boy's hair back ("You've got your mothers hair!").


It still beats all that crap they show on CBS that the hoi polloi considers comedy.

My vote history: http://us.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=9354248


I consider myself a seasoned movie watcher, although I have not seen a ridiculous amount of films

So then not a seasoned movie watcher?

Can't stop the signal.


depends on your definition

nothing matters


"accustomed to particular conditions; experienced."

In other words, someone who watches a lot of movies.

Can't stop the signal.


Well I have watched "a lot" of movies but again this depends on your definition as "a lot" can be highly subjective.

nothing matters


I'm a philosophy student and I also really despised this movie, so there MUST be a connection.

I'm also a huge Tarantino fan but I could've done without him taking part in this mess. I didn't find anything funny in this movie, only things that were painfully unfunny like people throwing up out of windows, children misbehaving in a ridiculously exaggerated way and a Tim Roth who was overacting massively. I really like him in Reservoir Dogs and in Pulp Fiction and I'm looking forward to his performance in The Hateful Eight which I'll be watching in a couple days but here he annoyed me big time. This movie must be near my bottom ten movies in terms of viewing pleasure. I completely hated it and almost couldn't finish it.
