MovieChat Forums > Fluke (1995) Discussion > This kind of thing never works

This kind of thing never works

I only saw ten minutes of this bile, but believe me that was enough! When are people gonna' learn, footage of animals coupled with some actor doing what is no more than a commentary track, is pathetic to watch. The worst atrocity of all, why the hell was Samuel L. Jackson, Mr. Pulp Fiction himself, doing a voice for a f--king squirrel on this bag of vomit.




It's nice to see someone else on this board that agrees with me. All these posts about what a "beautiful" film it was and how it made them "cry", makes me wanna' puke!



Did you see the whole thing...?
Samuel L. Jackson voiced Rumbo the dog who was again reincarnated as a squirrel at the end.
I for one think he did as fine a job of voice acting as he did real acting in Pulp Fiction! (That's very good.)

Revenge is a dish best served .


Fluke has two actors in it Samuel L and Eric Stoltz who also had parts in Pulp Fiction.


Oh yeah, Eric Stoltz was in "Pulp Fiction". One of the greatest motion pictures in the history of the art form. So why the hell is he and Samuel L. Jackson in this poor film that is about as entertaining as Hitler was compassionate.



Hitler was very companionate to animals, Hitler did not like women to wear cosmetics, since they contained animal by-products, His compaction didn’t translate to humans thought.


Really? I hadn't known that. Interesting.

Stoltz and Jackson were great in Pulp Fiction (excellent movie) and great in Fluke (also excellent).

Revenge is a dish best served .


How the f--k can you even put "Fluke" up on a pedastal next to pure perfection like "Pulp Fiction"? I'm trying to be nice about this, but you people are making it very hard for me!

Fasteddyuk is the only other person on here that can think straight!



Well I'm trying to be nice too, but I don't see why you even spend so much time dealing with something you clearly aren't a fan of.... :\
How can I do that? Why, simply because I love Fluke! I enjoy it every bit as much as Pulp Fiction (and more) & a lot of other movies that are well-known and the majority of people would probably agree are better. But I just get a bit annoyed when people act as if their opinion's the only right opinion--or that that of the majority of people must be right.

Sorry, but that's the way I feel and I'm sticking to it. [;

Revenge is a dish best served .


Pure perfection like "Pulp Fiction"?

Oh please.

Fasteddyuk is the only other person on here that can think straight!

Or the only one who opinion you agree with.


Comparing Fluke to Pulp Fiction is like comparing As Good As It Gets to The Punisher. It's pointless, because their target audiences, not to mention their genres in the first place, are entirely different, therefore you would rarely find fans of both at the same time, regardless of how good the movies are (opinion or otherwise)- what do they have in common to compare them with? My own opinion re: the original comparison, reverts to the general thought of "sappy animal movies are better than murder-action movies anyday". In another comment you said The Green Mile was more moving than Fluke. Again, where's the commonality? War movies vs animal movies... I don't get it. They both have different meanings to different ppl.

Now if you compared Fluke to White Fang, perhaps that would make sense. Both animal movies, both focus on a dog of sorts, who has adventures, both based on books, etc. In all your hate comments on the msgs I've seen so far, I've yet to read anything substantial... why exactly do you hate Fluke enough to repeatedly post about it over and over again? According to your earlier quote, "I only saw ten minutes of this"- wow, how intelligent to base a hateful opinion on only 10mins out of a 90min movie. From your quote about SLJ as a squirrel, was it only the end 10mins you saw? Meaning, you missed the whole movie and yet seeing the end actually inspired you to run immediately to iMDB and see if anyone else found it as crappy as you did...? Obviously, you've been disappointed, as real movie fans actually take the time to watch and understand the movie, and thats why the majority of the posters here on its forum, like it and they find comfort in that theyre not the only ones who get teary from it.

Anyone who cares about animals and the overall meaning of life itself, would find this movie heartwarming. From your posts, perhaps you're just too cynical for you're own good. Visit an animal shelter, hold a puppy, look into its eyes until he licks your cheek... If that doesnt make you giggle in some way... Meh.

Fluke is one of the best *animal* movies ever ^_^

vMARS, you'll be LOST when you STARGATE to SMALLViLLE ::


Couldn't have said it better myself. :]

Never misjudge the most faithful
heart of your beloved. Forever yours, forever mine, forever us.


I just saw your movie collection, and I like maybe 5 out of these movies, so I can understand you dont like a meaningfull,deep,emotional movie like Fluke cause I find most of these movies in your collection to be crap !!

And Pulp Fiction is the most overrated movie EVER !!


I agree...I think Tarantino's movies are too-winded. There's way too much talking about trivial stuff that we don't care about- there's no depth.

FLUKE is a way better movie- better than any of Tarantino's crap.


umm wasn't homeward bound a hit at the box office? So it did work on some level for that movie.


berts1404, you are a sad individual.

