MovieChat Forums > Fluke (1995) Discussion > SADDEST ENDING EVER!!!


If you want to know about the 2nd saddest part, look at my other post, " 2nd Saddest Part Besides The Ending!!! It Sort Of Reminds Me Of Something. " The ending was SOOOOOO SAD when Fluke had to go away! It touched my heart and triggered my tears when he dug up his grave and it revealed, " Tom Jhonson, Father of Bryan and Husband of Carol. You will always be in our hearts... " And then he dug up the word buried under the snowthat completed the sentece. That word was, " FOREVER. " Gheezh, I'm starten' to cry even typing about it!!! Another part was when he made Jeff wreck and he remembered what really happened when he died and how good of a friend Jeff was and that he was not a murderer and after that Fluke helped him to feel a little better, and when Bryan in the car said after he was looking for Fluke and he found him and he said to Carol, " Mommy, I had a dream, when Fluke was talking to me, and he told me not to cry... He said he had to go away... " And one more part was when Bryan was praying to his dad's soul and said, " Daddy, I can't find Fluke anywhere... I know you can help me find him... Please help me find him Daddy... Please... Please?... " Fluke, as a dog, could hear and see his prayer because it doesn't matter where your soul is, as long as it's alive... He was helping Bryan find Daddy...


Damn, havn't watched this movie in 6 years, but I can remember it was horribly sad.


I intemperate the last scene to be Fluke nearing the end of his life as a dog. This is the scene in which he is reunited with Rumbo who has now been reincarnated as a squirrel. Years have passed in this scene since the scene you spoke of where he revealed who he had been as a person in his previous life. His family, has grown and come to a point where they’ll be ok and therefore he can move on.


I know! This is a story of forgiveness. And that all culminates beautifully in the end. The music is also very effective. I remember this movie made me cry when I was a kid, and I hadn't seen it up until a couple of months ago, since then. I only caught the ending, but sure enough, I found myself crying like a baby... Good movie.


Although the ending was sad, I don't think it was the saddest scene in the film because his family seemed happy and Fluke met Rumbo again though I feel the ending could have been concluded better. Very good film though 8/10.

R.I.P Cedric -


Yeah, the cemetery scene is very sad. He had to go "FOREVER".
Then under the tree, he reunites with his best friend Rumbo.


the end.


I had totally forgotten about this movie

then I happened to stumble upon it on IMDb a few minutes ago - as soon as I saw the poster, I was in tears again :(

-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


Watching it on YouTube thenow.

Wish I hadn't :(
