MovieChat Forums > First Knight (1995) Discussion > what are your favorite lines in the movi...

what are your favorite lines in the movie first night?

do u have some fave lines in this movie?


"Never, you battle in your dreams."


"only fools dream of the one thing they can't have." - king arthur, as he's 'interrogating' Guinevere


Lancelot: Tell me what to do, and I'll do it.
Guinevere: Your life is your own.
Lancelot: I give it to you.


A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing.


I really liked that one..but you didn't complete the quote. "A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing. If you love nothing, what joy is there in your life?"


You idiot! Did you not graduate from school? It's spelled "knight", not "night". ...and even if you didn't know how to spell it, it say at the top of the page! Some people.


people who quote lines from this movie should shampoo my crotch.


I'm sure you would enjoy that.


[deleted] 'says' it at the top of the page!


lancelot: i want you.
guinevere: well, i'm not to be had for the wanting.

lol for some reason that line struck me as incredibly funny :p i mean, if any guy ever tells you, "i want you," all you have to do is say "i'm not to be had for the wanting!" :ppp


Peter: She's a rare beauty, sire.

Arthur: That she is.

Peter: So's the mare.

Arthur: (gives Peter a look)

Guinevere: I know only one way to love: that is body, and heart, and soul.

Guinevere: Love has many faces. I may look upon you differently but not with less love.

I always liked how the two quotations directly contradict one another; obviously, within the time frame of the movie, Guinevere has grown to know herself better and to understand the concept of love better.

Guinevere: And when shall we expect to see you again?

Lancelot: I don't think I'll be returning.

Guinevere: Never?

Lancelot: Never. (pause) You see, I know what I must do now. I never really believed in anything, but I do believe in Camelot, and I would best serve it by leaving. Please tell the king that I shall remember he always saw the best in me.

Guinevere: And what shall I tell myself?

Lancelot: That there was once a man who loved you too much to change you.


Hey, Louie-34, got any shampoo handy? I've got some steel wool that should scrub off anything that ails ya . . . :P

My 'fave':

"I take the good with the bad. I can't love people in slices."

Off course, it just doesn't quite work as well without Connery's particular shtyle of shpeech.

