This movie...

Scared me SO MUCH when I watched it as a kid. I'm pretty sure I was about eight or nine, and it came on TV one night. It was really late, everyone in my house was asleep, and I had turned out all of the lights in my room. Needless to say I was a little scarred afterwards.

On another note, I can't believe how small this board is! I want to hear opinionssss!!


Thought I was the only one who remembered. I just turned 22 and this movie was so scary to me when I saw it back then. lol My mom had it on vhs and I would always work up the guts to watch it but never could.


I can't believe anybody went through what I did lol... I'm also close to 22 and I remember seeing this with my extended family (my mom covered my eyes many times) one night. It still haunted me years later. I had this closet with a door made of "fake" wood and I could swear I saw him many nights. I NEVER forgot the name of this movie but I always remembered it as "Fear" so when I saw the Mark Wahlberg/Reese Witherspoon movie it confused me a little as I was wondering how they'd released two films by the same name. LOL Anyway, I'd be willing to watch it again to see if I had the guts.


lol i completely forgot the name of the movie mainly because of what you just said. I thought it was "Fear" but when i searched the Mark Wahlberg movie would show (which i watched the other day as well lol) and i said guess that cant be it. but very glad i found it and now i can toss a childhood fear away.

