Salma Hayek

People seem to have forgotten that Salma Hayek is briefly in this film. She plays Max's former girlfriend. In one memorable scene, she dumps his "shit" that he left in her apartment. She literally dumps it all in front of the police station that he works in. Salma is playing to the stereotype of the fiery Latina, but it is a funny scene.


Its not that its forgotten, its just no big deal her appearance in this movie.


I think she had a bigger role, but it was cut down by like a ton. It's funny given that she's a huge star now and Cindy Crawford's acting career went friggin nowhere after this.


You are correct. It was cut down in order not to compete with CC and open up for more romance.


I had a feeling the role might of been cut down. Feels like they were maybe setting her up to be possibly kidnapped and used against bladwins character. Never came to fruition though.
