Why don't they?

Why don't they put missing children's pictures on milk cartons anymore? I thought it was such a great way to alert people.


I know it was a good idea, but maybe the dairy industry was afraid that what happened in the book may actually happen in real life? (Plus I don't know if missing children's photos ever actually appeared on those little half pint milk cartons kids get in school, like it shows on the bookcover, anyway.)

Today though I think more milk is sold in plastic bottles (a'la Dean's Milk Chugs) than paperboard cartons anyway.


In Canada Milk is still very widley sold in cartons. You only find jugs of milk at convieniance stores with the exception of 4 litre (american eqivilant to 1 gallon jugs) is sold in one bag of three smaller bags. As for why they dont put pictures I have no clue.


i used to see it on the big cartons when i was little. i dont think they do it now becouse those flyers are better and get the word out to more people.


Didn't they only put obselete pictures on milk cartons? After thirteen years, i think the word would have been spread fast enough.

But I really don't know what good it would do. Usually when people go missing, they stay missing. I doubt an old picture would help any. The Face on the Milk Carton was fiction; that is very unlikley to happen in real life.

They should put recent pictures on. that would be more helpful. True, they wouldn't get the word out as fast as flyers, but think of how many kids drink milk at schools. With the flyers and the added help of the cartons, it increases the chance of finding the current missing child.



I heard (I think on crimelibrary.com) that they stopped putting missing children on milk cartons because it freaked kids out. Not sure how true that is, but crime library is pretty credible.

"I thought it was sad at first, but now, I like it..."


I don't see why they should stop putting pictures of missing kids on milk cartons just because it freaked some kids out. If anything, it would put them on their guard and at least help them be aware of what could happen to them when they walk out the door or down to the bus stop. Murderers and peophiles freak me out--I'd still want to know about them so I'd be aware of all that goes on in the world. But then again, parents like to keep their kids naive so they can control them.


I heard it was cuz of money, and high ups were being El'Cheep'0's
Thats what I heard
