Did Disney run out of ideas?

This movie had a good cast assembled, but overall the finished film is weak. It seems as if Disney keeps recycling old material these days. There have been several sequels/remakes of this, PARENT TRAP, FREAKY FRIDAY, THE LOVE BUG...how about something NEW for a change?


I liked the remake of Escape to Witch mountian it reminds me of when i was little,


i like it much better than the original.


I've seen those other ones, but what in hell is The Love Bug?


>>I've seen those other ones, but what in hell is The Love Bug?

You've never heard of The Love Bug?
Surely you have. The Herbie movies, about the little white VW bug with a mind of its own? The first Herbie movie was called "The Love Bug". It was only later sequals that were titled "Herbie does this" and "Herbie goes here" and "Herbie has yet another sequel".


Ah, yeah, I looked it up after I posted here. But yeah, I've never (before the new movie) heard of The Love Bug... perhaps I'm just too young to remember it



That is true I didnt reconginze it!!

