It was 1917, so....

It was 1917, World War One was raging, so why was a relatively young man like Hugh Grant not in the armed forces? I have not seen the movie, so maybe an explanation is offered therein?


In the movie, Hugh Grant's character tell's Betty (Tara Fitzgerald) that he was in the first wave, fighting in the war in 1914, but he came back from the war in the same shape as Johnny Shellshocked. The only reason I know that is because the movie is on right now. Hope that helps.



Perhaps his job in the Ordnance Survey was a protected Occupation?


"The younger man, Anson, was just startin' to enjoy life, having just recently left hospital after service in France."

"How come you aren't in France?"
"Well, I-I-I was. Um, I w- I was, uh-- I-I went out with the, uh, first wave in 1914. I was at Verdun. I came back like Johnny."


Although him being at Verdun isn't plausible, unless he was in the French army (or the German!). Otherwise, excellent.

reply says the British Expeditionary Force was near Verdun in 1914. So I guess it was plausible after all.
