Too many employees...

at that record store. Movie blows,too.


They are supposed to be teens, where I live anyone under 18 can only work 4 hour shifts on week days and not past 10PM. I'm not sure if that's a state or federal law. Anyhow, the ones over 18 would work shifts during the day and the ones under 18 would work the afternoons. It makes since that they have that many employees.

And no, this movie doesn't blow.

Would you excuse me? I cut my foot before and my shoe is filling up with blood.



I agree, way too many employees. This film attempted to cash in on the 90s-grunge generation thing before it was over, and exposed as pure hype. Unfortunately, by 1995, it was over and exposed. If this film was trying to be "Clerks", it failed miserably.


There was no grunge in this... most of the characters' tastes were varied (from alt-rock to New Wave to ACDC) and in any case older than grunge. Wasn't trying to be "Clerks" either, more like Dazed and Confused (hence Rory Cochrane) or the Christian Slater movies.
Any film that closes with The The is a winner for me... altho obviously there were too many employees (even if it was Rex Manning Day).


You are right, there wasn't grunge music in the film, but the characters were clearly of that generation and the target audience was the youth of that generation. The film was attempting to imitate other films of the genre, and it failed on that count. I agree, it more along the lines of "Dazed...." than "Clerks". Most critics were brutal to this film, but I thought it was harmless.

Anyhow, this was a cute film it its day, but it doesn't hold up very well to time IMO.

Who's High Pitch?


I totally disagree. I think it holds up just fine. I was 17 in 1995, and this film always makes me nostalgic twenty years later. Besides, there are some great quotes, and it's just fun. If you're expecting it to be Dances With Wolves, of course it won't hold up. But if you just want a fun, lighthearted movie, this is a great one.

"Hey! If...if we had some rope, we could make a log bridge...if...if we had...some...logs."


I'm pretty sure this movie was trying to be Empire Records, so it's no wonder it failed at being Clerks.


Not really, not all of them are actually working the entire time they're there Like Corey who comes in early (because it's Rex Manning day). Lucas isn't working at all that day. AJ opens and is asked to stay later. Marks starts then as well. Gina gets sent home. Eddie works the late shift. Berko, well, who knows about Berko. He seems to be on the late shift as well. Deb comes in mid-day-ish?

The store is open from nine to midnight I think. That's what 15 hours? And it seems like they have three shifts? They need to be three people at work at all times (at least - it's a big store and between the register, info desk, tax returns and shelving you need some employees).

And yes, I realize I just thought way to long about this.


Not to mention it's a day when a famous musician would be making an appearance and doing an autograph signing. So most places when a thing like that happens all hands on deck would be needed.


Plus as was said.. Not everyone was working at the same time... I got the feeling that the shifts overlaped and some of them just hung out because they liked it there, probably was a regular thing and they pulled in extra for the signing as well....


You haven't seen "too many employees" until you've walked into a Best Buy on an average Wednesday afternoon.


No *beep* THe movie doesnt blow or have too many employees. But you know what does blow. YOU! ANd every *beep* out there that has to look up movies that are good just to say how bad they are. You are a troll my dear not friend. I know that you seem to think you know everything and that we should all listen to you for some reason but no you are a pathetic loser who spends their time crapping on the internet with no real insights about the movie or character. Maybe you like crap that we do not but we love this movie you are wrong wrong wrong. Get a life, get a job and stay off the internet if you have nothing nice to say. My god what is with the spoiled internet generation???? If you hate something why waste time looking it up to say that!!!!!!????? GET A LIFE!!!!!

Game Over!


Holy *beep*


I know this is a bit late, but this movie did not "blow" back when I was in 11th/12th grade, nor does it "blow" now. I practically wore out the copy I had from the video store I worked at. The movie had its faults but it also had its high (sugar high?) points which I think far outweigh the negative.


I love this movie. Perhaps it doesn't holdup to the test of time so people seeing it now don't like it the way many of us who saw it for the first time when it was new do.

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


