Okay, I don't get it. This was a great movie. Beautiful scenery, intimate atmopshere. There was alot going on in between the lines. You notice certain small details in the character's expressions and tones. This was more of a character study, no doubt. I like it, interesting premise, characters, Spader. He was great in this movie, the way he acts gives you hints on his past, who he was. It's a movie where you need to pay attention. Anne Brochet was a sympathetic villian, se was good too. There was an interesting chemistry between them. I believe it's worth multiple viewings. Ending was a bit weird.


You're right, Harpiro!!! You're a smart guy and probably a handsome one too. This IS a good movie!!!!Uh oh, talking to myself again. This is definitely one of Spader's best performances. Even a tad of physical comedy.



What annoyed me was that James's character kept wanting to leave!If I was stuck on an island with a beautiful woman i'd neeeeeeeeever ever want to leave!!

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan
