Thank you ANNETTE

i have just seen this movie for about the 5th time. i grew up watching the mickey mouse club and all of Annette's movies. But this movie made her real and like a friend . I especially liked the relationship between her and her mother. I hope she is doing well with her i haven't heard anything about her for quite a while...i used to see her at QVC and she was one of the nicest people ever. I wish her well and hope she is happy. and happily looking back on her remarkable life.......Thank you for brining so much happiness to all of us who watched you through the years..........


I did not grow up with Annette the same way that you and many others did, but watching this film truly did make her feel like a friend. It was a lovely portrayal of a woman who seems like a genuinely kind-hearted person. She seems to have brought many people a lot of happiness, and even as someone who wasn't familiar with the specifics of her life, I find her courage and optimism inspiring. Thank you Annette!
