This movie

It's on now on UK channel BBC1. It doesn' look bad so far, though it's only been a few minutes. I see a couple of familiar faces.


I thought that this film was quite entertaining just dont look 2 deep into it!!



I liked this movie, I know it is a bad movie I still found the movie amusing and the actress of Ms. Hyde was very good. Though if there was a little more production value this movie could have been very respectable.


It was on Comedy Central the other night and I couldn't sleep. It was so bad I was actually fascinated with it. Tim Daly was quite sexy and actually quite funny - I'm not a fan of Sean Young, but she plays the perfect bitch.

I'll pay money to watch Tim Daly nude, but since I saw it for free, it was worth it.

"It's like people only do things because they get paid. And that's just really sad."


The movie was just on this evening and I thought it was pretty awful. I found it to be sexist, like the only way the female character could succeed was by sleeping her way to the top. Obviously, I gave this flick too much thought...


it was on again on bbc last night, a few laughs in it



Its not a bad movie, but I always felt that it was written with Jim Carrey in mind (given he was to star in it) as it does have a very similar feel to Mask and Ace Ventura in a odd kind of way, yet I am glad he knocked it back, as there is no way he would have saved this.

Remember seeing it in cinema and renting it on video, and almost reached the stage where I would probably end up buying it, yet as far as I am aware it has never been released in the UK for sale.


@ clark_gillies: You said you saw this movie at the cinema. Am I correct in assuming there were certain moments when the entire audience burst out laughing? LOL
I also must say that I cannot believe this flick got away with a PG-13. LOL
@ AllisonLVenezio: Indeed, Sean Young does an excellent job in b*tch roles. In fact, I think she should've starred as the title character in "Maleficent," nothing against Angelina Jolie though. Just felt like sharing that!
