
i was just wondering why this film is unrated. my little sister really wants to see it with me, but i'm not sure i should let her. can anyone tell me the details of what material is in this? thanks


This film is unrated because of it's graphic violence and sex. There's a scene where a guy gets his head blown off with a shotgun. There's a ton of sex scenes. The most graphic of the scenes is of Xavier watching Amy and Jordan having sex. He's masturbating and when he finishes, he brings his hand up and licks it off. So, if your sister is very young, you'd be better off not watching it with her. Overall, it's a great movie, but not something to watch with kids. Hope that helps.


This film is unrated because of it's graphic violence and sex. There's a scene where a guy gets his head blown off with a shotgun. There's a ton of sex scenes. The most graphic of the scenes is of Xavier watching Amy and Jordan having sex. He's masturbating and when he finishes, he brings his hand up and licks it off. So, if your sister is very young, you'd be better off not watching it with her. Overall, it's a great movie, but not something to watch with kids. Hope that helps.


And because of strong language, also the fact that Rose McGowan tends to loose track of her shirt several times, and there are some pretty graphic sex scenes. I wouldn't let little kids watch it, it's really strong.

"Kitten? Kitten, is that you? It's me Brandi! Your eternal love slave!"
The Doom Generation


Let me put it this way. I saw this film for the fist time when I was 14 years old. It scarred me for life. I'm 20 now, and have seen the film twice since the age of 19, and it doesn't faze me now, but it bothered me having been so young and seeing it for the first time. Not only is this film outlandishly freaky, but its themes are far too much for someone who isn't mature. Also, the sexual content borders on softcore porn.




Pretty bad is an understatement. Horrendous and valueless is more like it.

I would say the sex and violence aren't the worst, though the movie's probably inappropriate for someone under 12.

What is supposedly "cool" about the movie:

lots of sex
lots of violence
lots of fast food
repetive in a dreamy way
a world which seems to make little sense

No meaning, plot, or anything of real interest rises out of this vat though. It's not as trippy as it pretends to be.

I would recommend showing Pi, or, I dunno, just about anything else. It's an attempt to do Teeny-Lynch.


