read this!

What can I say? This is horrible, not just for being a bad movie, but for being so intentionally dumb! This is such obvious pandering to stupid people. The tagline says it all ("sex. violence. whatever."), but the back of the box is an even more moronic but accurate representation of this horrid piece of cinema. It seems the people who find this to be a good movie are those sheltered suburban kids that try to be all mystical and gothic when their not whining to their parents about how they need a ride to the mall.

This review i think is a bit bogus becuase i think everything this person said is the point of the actual supposed to be bad and moronic. its supposed to be for the sheltered suburban kids and for the people who make fun of those kids. i mean if you have seen his other films you would know that he is good



I feel like a gerbil smothered in Richard Gere's but^hole


I liked the movie and I am not a sheltered suburban kid, I don't whine to my parents about getting a ride to the mall because I can d r i v e. Nor am I gothic actually, I am wearing clothes from American Eagle right now.

Go me and my girly ways.

Please don't be one to judge so quickly. I liked the movie for what it was really. Yes, it was odd, and a bit creepy at times, but I've seen movies more strange than that. However, it doesn't shock me that so many people hated this movie, I tend to like just about every movie I see.

Except for the Exorcist...gawd that movie's vomit was more fake than the one in Doom Generation. Hah, that's pretty bad.
