skinny puppy?

The IMDB page says Skinny Puppy played the band of goons.. which i guess are the neo nazi guys.. is this true? I've seen pics of skinny puppy.. not only do they look nothing like them... but the three guys from skinny puppy at the time where big junkies... in fact one of them died the year following this movie.. I have to ever meet any smackheads that are as big and buff as these dudes...


They weren't the neo-nazis. In the start of the movie when Amy and Jordon are in the car they're the gang from that scene.


The guys who are attacking Xavier when he jumps in their car.

"I want a mustache damn it! I want to look like Burt Reynolds!"


Do you mean "Moustache" by any chance in your sig?


either spelling is correct. The dictionary i have lists "moustache" simply as an alternate spelling of "mustache".

It's a line from the film Gummo, by the way.

"I want a mustache damn it! I want to look like Burt Reynolds!"


Ogre, cEvin, and Dwayne appear in a very brief cameo as a gang of
thugs early in the movie The Doom Generation. It is an extremely quick
scene and you can barely make out the band, if at all. During the filming of
this scene cEvin fell off a car and broke his arm among other injuries.


ok listen Skinny puppy were
1. not nazi
2. were junkies
3. a brilliant band chck them out not the latest album




No one was implying that Skinny Puppy were actually neo-nazis, but rather that they played "the neo-nazis" in the film (which isn't actually true either).


I love their PRO-TEST video.
